3 Days (part 1) | Teen Ink

3 Days (part 1)

September 18, 2013
By Anonymous

I ran harder than I ever had in my life. I needed to get away from him. He gave me three days to escape, or else.
God only knows how long I have been here. Last I rememeber I was thrown into this prison deep below the surface and told I had three days to get out.
Since there was no light in my prison cell I couldn't tell time. The drugs that he injected into my system were system where barely leaving. I felt sluggish, like every thing was going to slow for me to comprehend.
I still had some of the adrenaline pumping in my veins from incapitating my capture. It wasn't fun to have to bludgen him. But I suppose it was what I had to do to escape.
I ran along the stone walls to what seemed to be a way out, at least there was light.
I ran harder, feeling the bits of broken glass cut deep into my feet. The creep just had take my shoes didn't he?
"Great job Alexandria!" His voice boomed from every where. I could hear it in my head.
"Where are you?"
"Oh my dearest little one I am far far away from you. I am merely observing your progress." He chuckled. I don't have time for this nonsense.
"Just shut up and let me go!" I yelled.
"That is up to you, clocks ticking you have 2 hours before it has become the fourth day. Then you lose."
"This is all some sick game to you?" I growled as I ran harder.
"Life is a game, this is just my chess board and you are my pawn."
"Are you insane?" I growled at him and found myself face to face with a brick wall.
"Perhaps, but clocks ticking, and you do not have time to chat about my physcological problems."
As much as I hated it he was right.

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