Celeste's Angel 2 | Teen Ink

Celeste's Angel 2

October 7, 2013
By Anonymous

A week passed by, and Celeste and Zachary had barely said three words to each other. Celeste felt very secluded from the world. Zachary continued to act unusual.
They were sitting at the airport quietly. Nothing was said. Lessie was sad but relieved at the same time, because she felt like she needed a break from Zach. Before she knew it, they hugged each other goodbye. He was off to India.
Celeste was forever alone. She no longer had a sister to hang out with, and now, she didn't have a boyfriend to comfort her.
For the first week of summer, Lessie never got out of bed. She was very depressed.
Every night, she had these interesting dreams. Her sister was in every single one of them. They would be talking, and all of a sudden, her sister would let out hints about who was a part of her death. She never said names, but she described people. Every person or thing she hinted about reminded Celeste of Zach.
Celeste got very worried about these nightmares. She wondered if she was dreaming or just hallucinating.
She thought hard about what was said in the dreams. Carrie said, "you know who killed me; you have to think hard. Ok? Celeste? Celeste? You there? Celeste?—"
"Celeste? Celeste? Wake up honey," her mother yelled.
Lessie frightfully awakened. She was scared. Not knowing who was after her sister scared her greatly. Though she wanted to, she couldn't tell anyone about her dreams. She needed to figure this problem out on her own. The dreams continued,and Celeste only got more fearful by the day. She realized that she needs to confront whoever she suspects is the murderer.

"Ten little Indian boys went out to dine; one chocked his little self and then there were nine...." In English, Celeste's entire class had to read And Then There Were None. It really worked her brain. It reminded her of her sister. She thought back to the day Carrie died in bed. Her and Zach went to get Carrie a smoothie, which he wouldn't let her have a sip of because he wanted Carrie to have "every last bit if it." Then, they went to get her flowers and went straight to the hospital. She will never forgot how terrible her sister looked when she stepping into the E.R. She remembered needing to call her mom to update her on Carrie. She went to get Zach's phone out of his jacket pocket when she spotted a bag of white powder—.
"That's it," she thought. "I've finally figured it out!" She quietly spoke to herself, "Zach was on drugs. He went crazy. But why? Why would he do this to her?"
Celeste was dumbfounded, but without even thinking, she went online and bought a plane ticket to India, where Zach was staying.

Lessie arrived in India about a week later. She looked up the address Zach was staying at, so she could find out what really happened to her sister.

As she was traveling to his hotel, she spotted a girl that looked lost. Celeste recognized her. She looked just like someone she knew, but who was it? The girl stopped her as she was walking by. She spoke, "believe in God and yourself, Lessie." Celeste began to cry; Carrie has always told her that, especially when she was having a bad day. The girl began walking away. Celeste couldn't let her leave without knowing who she was, so she followed her. "Carrie?," said Celeste. She turned around, smiled, and disappeared off into the distance.
When Lessie arrived at the hotel, she took a deep breath and confidently walked inside. She walked up to the front desk and asked, "hi. Can you tell me what floor the mission group is on?" The woman at the desk told her it was on the seventh floor, so she traveled up there as fast as she could.

She arrived at the seventh floor, but she didn't know what room he was in. After knocking on almost every door on the entire floor, she finally found Zach. He answered the door to Room 791.
"Hey! What are you doing here," Zach said excitedly. Without even giving him a nice gesture, she immediately said, "tell me the truth right now, and don't you dare act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Carrie is gone. She's gone and there is no way of getting her back. I have been so lost. You don't know what I have been going through since she's died." Celeste began weeping. "Are you on drugs, because I spotted a small bag of white powder in your bag one day and you could be crazy. I need to know the truth."
He was speechless. "Come in— Sit down on the couch." She was very angry. "This is hard for me too, Lessie. I feel for you, trust me—" Celeste got madder by the second, "how can I trust you?! I feel like I don't even know you anymore. I came here to ask one question. Did you or did you not murder my sister?"

He was sweating, "she threatened me. I couldn't take it anymore. She saw me beat someone up to the point of unconsciousness. She told me that if I did anything to hurt you, she would tell the world. I couldn't live with someone holding that against me. I killed someone else and I tried to get help but no one was there. And now I murdered your sister and I know I am going to hell. What have I done?"
Lessie wanted to punch Zachary in the face. She couldn't stop crying. "Why? Why? Why would you do this to me? We were dating for a long time. I thought we were in love. You turned around and stabbed me and my sister in the back. Tell me everything. Now! I want to know."
"The guy and I played football together. He was being very rough. We had a bad history to begin with, but after practice we got in a fight about something stupid. All of a sudden, he began punching and kicking me. It became intense and before I knew it, we were the only ones on the field fighting. I took a big swing at his face, and he was knocked out. He couldn't move. He was paralyzed. I tried screaming for help, but no one heard me, so I left, feeling guilty as ever. As I was walking away, I saw Carrie standing in the bleachers. She saw the entire argument. She yelled to me that if I ever did anything wrong to you, I would be in big trouble. I never took drugs. The white powder that you saw in my jacket wasn't for me, it was ant poisoning that the priest gave me to use on the ants piles in the garden. I used it to put in Carries smoothie; that is what made her sick."
"I need to go, Zachary. I hope you know that what you did was wrong. You better run far, because there will be people coming after you. Goodbye, forever."
Celeste ran out of that hotel like there was no tomorrow. She instantly called her mom. "Mom, Zachary is a bad person. He murdered two people, one person being Carrie. I need you to call the cops, okay?"
Sobbing in the background her mom said, "okay."

Zachary was later found dead in a desert in Arizona. Celeste continued to see her sister everywhere she went. They were best friends. She was happy again. All was good.


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