Crashing Past | Teen Ink

Crashing Past

October 10, 2013
By Loophole BRONZE, Beirut, Other
Loophole BRONZE, Beirut, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. "- William Ernest Henley

It was a Saturday night, a special Saturday night: it was Christmas Eve. She had run away, run away far from him, as far as she could go. But on that special Saturday night, on that special Christmas Eve, her past came back to hunt her.
He came back, crashing the life she had built since she ran away. He came back, tearing her apart.

She had left home a year ago, on that same special night, abandoning the life she was imprisoned in, the life that held her hostage. But on that night, all the memories she had tried to burry came back crashing.
Taking a stroll down memory lane, she started trembling. Her whole body trembled in one harmoniously frightening vibe. How could he, she asked herself. How could he beat her up and leave her bleeding on the kitchen floor? How could he commit such a cruel act, such an inhuman act, after he vowed to love her, after he vowed to protect her?
On Christmas Eve, a year ago exactly, and after she had bled on the kitchen floor, she ran away. Around dawn, she put together the shreds of integrity she still held, gathered all the strength she had left, and escaped.
But on that Christmas Eve, while she watched her new tree brighten the atmosphere, the bell rang and an unfounded feeling of dread ran through her veins. But as soon as she opened the door, she understood. It was him, him from her past: the man she could not name, the man who left her awake at night for so long, the man who made her life a nightmare.
"Hello Anna, I'm here to bring you home", was all he said.
She stood there, motionless, unable to breathe. How could he do that? How could he come and see her after she he had left her bleeding there, on the floor, in the dark?
But while a thousand thoughts crossed her mind, he came close to her and held her, hugging her, kissing her. Anna tried to escape his claws but failed, he was now aggressing her. She then gathered all the strength and power that lay within her, and ran to her kitchen drawer: the drawer that held the gun, the gun she had bought for Him, for the day he would come back for her.
When she pulled the gun out, he just froze, watching his life flash before his eyes. As she stood there, wondering whether she had the courage to do it or not, the image of her bleeding while he beat her up like an animal crashed into her mind.

And before she could even realize it, the trigger had been pulled: she was the one behind it.

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