graveyard | Teen Ink


October 14, 2013
By Flanders BRONZE, Southbridge, Massachusetts
Flanders BRONZE, Southbridge, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
One day life asked death "why does every one hate you but love me?" death replied "because you are a beautiful lie and I am the ugly truth"

It was a cool night and I could hear the sounds of the night very clearly. It was warm and the stars were out. I saw a man about 40 or 50 yards away, me being always paranoid I slowed my pace. When the man stopped I closed my hand around the Swiss army knife in the pocket of my hoodie. He started to turn I ducked behind a grave. The man looked back he looked scared as if he did not like the graveyard at night. I love the graveyard by moon light. The man kept moving and I stalked not too far behind not wanting to be seen. My hand still griped the knife that I knew I didn’t need. I just need one reason. The man stopped at the mausoleum. Pulled out a spray paint can and was just about to spray when I jumped from behind the grave. “What are you doing?” I asked “Nothing and shouldn’t a young woman such as yourself be at home.” I laughed “Older than you by about 200 years and I don’t like people defacing my graveyard.” With that my wings shot out from my back, my nail grew into claws, my teeth went to points, my eyes turned red. I shot up and pinned the man down. “Explain yourself.” I said in a low growl, “what are you doing to my graveyard?” The man shed a tear “It’s a dare I was dared to paint on the mausoleum. Please let me go and you will never see my again.” The man pleaded for his life but was stopped by the fast movement of my claws. I left the body and clean my hand after I ate the man’s soul so even his spirit could not warn anyone. I turned back in to the form of a 13 year old girl. As I walked out of the graveyard two men stood there talking. “Was the man in there with you?” I asked “yes why?” they answered together. “He’s dead.” I answered flatly. They ran into the graveyard and I ran home the same drill tomorrow night so far I have consumed 70 souls of evil and just dumb men and women daring to deface my cemetery.

The author's comments:
its a shorts story I wrote while listening to horror stories

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