If Everything in the Museum Came to Life... | Teen Ink

If Everything in the Museum Came to Life...

October 25, 2013
By omar khader BRONZE, 12321312312, Other
omar khader BRONZE, 12321312312, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If everything in the museum came to life and I had to kill every single one of them, it would sort of be hard. I would be alone, without a weapon or anything. I would first have to make a plan. I would sneak around and murder a crocodile and use its teeth as a weapon. I would put him in cold water, making his teeth chatter so it is sort of like a chainsaw. I would go to the reptile exhibit and murder them all over there. Then, I would pass by the sea creatures and I don’t think I should worry about them because they’re in cages and can’t really do anything without water.

I would go to the ancient Egyptian thing and get a camel to ride on because they are fast and I would be flying around with a crocodile chainsaw on a camel’s back and it’d look really cool. I would be very afraid of all the mummified people and kings, but I watched Scooby-Doo, and in that show the mummies move very slowly. I wouldn’t be that afraid after I knew that. I would take part of his tissue paper and flush it down the toilet, than he’d be naked and die of embarrassment.

Things might be a bit hard for me, so I would get a sidekick. I would choose a monkey because they look really cool and they are almost like a human. I would name him Arthur. Arthur and I would fly around on vines and start fighting Sue in the middle of the museum. Arthur would jump on his head and start slapping his face and I would be throwing rocks at her. We would finally take her down by luring her with a piece of flesh. I would put the flesh on the edge of the second story and trick her and make her fall off and break her bones. I hope that falling from a second story can kill the biggest T-Rex fossil-bone thing ever found.

After and IF I killed Sue, I imagine almost everything else would be easy. Fighting monkeys is like falling really small midget people. Fighting gorillas is like fighting Arnold Schwarzenegger. I would run away from the gorillas and when they weren’t looking, I would jump on their backs and bite their neck, and hopefully they’d pass out. If that didn’t work I’d leave them because I’d be too afraid to fight them.

One of the last things that I’d have to fight would be an elephant. It’s really huge. I would rip off his ears and use them as wings. I would fly through the roof of the museum by flapping my arms and I’d look really cool and everything.

It would be very hard, but I think I might have a tiny chance of beating everything in the museum with the right amount of luck and a good camel and monkey to help me.

The author's comments:
It was a prompt in freshman english.

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