A World Without Music | Teen Ink

A World Without Music

November 4, 2013
By Flanders BRONZE, Southbridge, Massachusetts
Flanders BRONZE, Southbridge, Massachusetts
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Favorite Quote:
One day life asked death "why does every one hate you but love me?" death replied "because you are a beautiful lie and I am the ugly truth"

He wondered. He always wondered is there more? Will there ever be more? He had dreams, dreams of music not that he really completely knew what music was. Sam sat in math class wondering what had he heard in his dream again. Sam was a wonderer. What he knew never satisfied his hunger for knowing more. Sam was adopted his mom just disappeared one day. She had broken out of the asylum. She was in there for wondering about music as she called it. Rose dreamed of it sang to Sam every night until she was put in the asylum. No one ever left town, no one wanted to but Sam did more than life itself he wanted to leave and find his mom. He hummed on the way home making sure no one heard him or he’d be in he’s moms old room. Once home he didn’t say hello to anyone just went into his room. He sang to himself. He wrote a song in his notebook. He thought about his mother and the song he just wrote for her. Suddenly a knock on the door, “Sam are you here, you know you’re supposed to be with the family after school.” His foster mother called through the door. “It’s not my family.” He turned over. “Come down now we’re the only family you got.” “GO AWAY!” “Come down stairs now!” defeated Sam rolled back over and followed Jenny (foster mother) back down stairs. “Great now that Sam here we can start.” His foster father Charlie said “Lily how was your day?” lily beamed at being first today. “Well today was good and I‘ll tell you what I did so at recess I got to go to the river and I played math bingo in class.” Lily said excitedly. “Sounds wonderful” Jenny said “what about you Jason? Jason leaned back trying to be cool this is the only times he has any confidence. “Well not much but on the 10th coolest kid in school. Also I got a hundred on my math test.” Charlie smiled “Great job! Sam, what about you.” Sam sighed “Nothing. Nothing new, nothing changed.” Jenny and Charlie looked at each other. “Well Lily, Jason you get to pick the game.” Lily and Jason always picked the same game, charades. “Great choice.” Jenny said with a smile. “I don’t want to play.” Sam mumbled. “I am sick of your attitude go to your room!” Charlie yelled. “It doesn’t matter I’m always grounded.” Sam went to his room. Sam sketched his mother again. Seven notebooks full of drawings of his mother, more of songs. The lights went out. They always did this. Turning off the power in his room while he’s grounded. Sam opened the curtains, it didn’t help much. Laying in the dark just staring at the ceiling. For several moments he thought he might be insane just a little. Or maybe he’s just slowly losing his mind. Then he fell asleep. In the morning (Saturday) he brushed his teeth and dressed and left for the woods. He imagined the lecture he’d get when he got home. Finally he reached the fence the edge of town. He pressed his head to the fence. All he could hear was the wind. Then footsteps slowly then a twig snapped. Sam spun around. Jenny, had she followed him? “What do you think you’re doing outside the house you are still grounded and Charlie is furious.” “I figured he would be.” Sam replied. “Then why did you leave? No never mind come on.” Sam smirked then followed her home. Charlie was red in the face by the time he finished with Sam. “Your 15 I’d expected more from you.” Charlie said when the red left his face. Sam pushed his brown hair from his eyes. “Then don’t expect anything from me.” Sam turned to leave but before he could Charlie said “I’ll put you back in the system. You’ll stay there to. I think we’re ones who would take in a crazy woman’s son.” Sam spun around “Don’t ever talk about my mother that way she’s not crazy.” Charlie just laughed “Not only was she crazy now she’s dead.” “No she’s not!” Sam screamed and hit Charlie’s pudgy face. His face changed Charlie looked evil. He jumped on to Sam and put his hands on his throat. Charlie being much bigger than Sam easily knocked him out with one good punch. When Sam woke up he heard Charlie talking. “I found him in his room hanging. I was horrified. When I cut him down me accidently hit his head on his book shelf near his bed.” Liar was all Sam could think. But he couldn’t say that he was just barley awake. “Look,” lily said “his eyes are open.” The doctor came over to the bed. “Are you awake?” He asked shinning a flashlight in his eyes. “Yeah, I am stop shinning that in my face.” After a short while a police officer showed up to take statements. Charlie repeated what he said earlier. Jenny said she didn’t know anything until she heard a bang. Lily and Jason were outside. Sam’s statement was different. The officer turned to jenny. “We’ll have to remove him from you’re home to make sure he won’t pull this stunt again.” Jenny shook her head “no, we’ll just keep a close eye on him.” “If that’s what you what you want.” He turned and left. Sam couldn’t believe it (or he just didn’t want to) Charlie got away. His story didn’t even make sense. Sam would be able to leave in the morning. That night he dreamed of his mother coming back for him. He woke up feeling loss it hurt deeply. Lily and Jason ran into get him they were rude without jenny there, like always. The moment they came in the first thing lily said was “come on crazy time to go.” Sam glared at her. Jason did whatever lily did.”y-yeah come on c-crazy.” He stuttered. “Call me crazy again and guess where you’ll end up.” “We’re telling mom.” Lily yelled and ran out. Great just what he needed another lecture. Slowly he walked to the car. “Never threaten my kids or I will cut you into tiny pieces.” Charlie glared at Sam intensely. “I think I’ll walk.” Sam muttered. “The hell you will.” Charlie peeled out. Walking away from ‘home’ towered the lake. The lake was just after the edge of town just before the beach. Sam ducked under the chain. He took off his shoes and shirt and swam to a small island. He lay in the sand; there was a woman in a tree. Sam recognized her impedingly, his mother. She jumped down and walked to him. “I don’t have long but your foster parents plan to kill. Meet me here at midnight kill them first. Then I’ll take you to a place with so much music.” Then she ran off. Sam ran home, he was lectured for being late in his room he waited for 11:00. Lily came in, “Sam, I looked at you’re notebooks. Are they stories?” Sam smiled, “there songs. Music, come here I’ll show you.” She walked in her brother behind her. Sam sung them songs, and told them what he had to do. Lily spoke up “my parents are abusive losers, we’re coming with you.’ Sam smiled and nodded. At 11:00 Sam slit the throats of his foster parents. Sam changed and showered. Sam drove to the beach, swam to the island where they met his mother. And with one quick flick of the wrist the crazy lady slit all three throats. Crazed she swam to town she slit every throat there was to slit. Like there was such a thing as music. The rose woke up in the asylum. Laughing in the padded room in her straight jacket.

The author's comments:
this started as a 'do now' and please comment and tell me what you thought or what I should write next

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