Blood in the Elevator | Teen Ink

Blood in the Elevator

November 5, 2013
By Ryan Self BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
Ryan Self BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blood in the Elevator
“Joey, go and get us some chips from the hotel room,” my mom ordered me. “And while you are at it, get me a sandwich out of the small fridge,” added my dad. I opened my mouth to object, but I stopped myself. No point in trying to argue.
I walked slowly in the sand, dragging my feet as I walked up to the Radisson we were staying at over the weekend. I didn’t want to go to the room. I wanted to continue building my sand castle I was just about to finish down at the beach.
“By the time I get back, the water will have washed it away,” I muttered under my breath. My parents were too lazy to go themselves. It’s not like they are fat or anything, they just think everybody is their slave.
So here I was, my long brown hair dripping wet, sand all over me, heading to the room. I walked into the lobby, and decided I could take my time. I went over to the breakfast bar. Luckily at all Radisson hotels, breakfast is served from 6:00 to 11:00. It was only 10, so it was still being served. I got a hot chocolate, a muffin, and a biscuit, and went to wait for the elevator. The room was on the 11th floor, so I was not taking the stairs. There was a long line for the elevator, though. I doubted that I would get on the first one that came down. Just then, a little kid walked up to me.
“Why does he have so much sand on him, mommy?” the little boy looked up at his “mommy”, expecting an answer. “Billy, be quiet. You’re being rude,” she whispered in his ear, but loud enough for me to hear. Little kids annoyed me so much. As my anger was subsiding, the elevator doors opened. I walked in the elevator, and pressed the 11th floor. I noticed that there was the annoying little boy, Billy, and his mom on the elevator, too. An angry looking elderly man and his wife were in the elevator, also. This better be fast, I thought to myself. I just looked up at the ceiling, still super annoyed that I was doing this in the first place.
In an instant, there was a screeching noise and a slight drop. I jumped up, and searched with scared eyes for what just happened. The lights went out with a pop, and the elevator was pitch black. Now the elevator was just hanging still, not going up or down. Billy screamed so loud I thought my ears would pop. I heard a thump as the old lady passed out and fell onto the floor of the elevator. What was happening? I started to panic, and sweat was dripping down my face. I didn’t know what to do. Then I remembered. There was an emergency button for if the elevator breaks down. I reached out for the button, but before I could press it, the unthinkable happened. A little girl appeared in the elevator. Her white dress was covered in blood, and she had a smile on her face. She had long, shaggy, black hair that hung down to her waist. Her body had a weird white glow to it, which helped me make out what she looked like. She acted like she was here to do something. She just stood there, staring at us all. How did she get here? We were all silent. I broke the silence.
“No! Get away!” I screamed at the little girl, trying to sound tough, but I could not hide the growing fear in my voice. Billy screamed again, and his mom pulled him close to her. The old man was trying to help his wife, but he himself looked like he was going to have a heart attack.
“Make me!” the little girl screamed back in a high-pitched voice. The grin across her face was so evil, it made me go light headed. She then reached into the back of her dress, and pulled out a short dagger. The blade was covered with fresh blood. I quickly turned to the elevator buttons, and pressed OPEN DOOR repeatedly. The door would not open. I held my face up to the speaker on the elevator, pressed the CALL button, and screamed, “Help us! The elevator is broken, and we are all going to die! There is a scary little girl! Please help!” No answer. Just then, the little girl started to move towards me.
“I turned off everything. It’s just us right now. No one is going to save you,” the little girl said, with her head tilted, right in front of me. She then walked toward the boy and his mom. “Hello, there. How do you want to die?” Billy, too young to know better, nailed the little girl with his fist. The blow hit her in the face. That made her very angry. There was a murderous look in her eyes. The boy ran to hide behind his mom, screaming, “Mom, help!!!!!!!!”, but the little girl pinched onto his shirt. I looked away as she stabbed at him with his knife. I heard him fall, and she continued to tear him with her dagger. His mom just stood there, silent with terror. The little girl turned to her and said, “Might as well kill you, too. Bye, bye!” She stabbed at the woman’s chest, and with one blow the lady was on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her. I had to get off this elevator, fast. The girl then walked over to me. No! No! This can’t be happening! She held up her dagger. I saw the blade come down quickly, and I jumped away at the last second. Luckily, my reflexes are good. It was inches away from my neck.
“You can’t get away from me! Face your death!” She shouted loudly at me, lunging at me with her dagger again. I ducked this time, and kicked her hard in the stomach. She just stood there, not affected at all. I was terrified. She can’t get injured at all. It is impossible. Is there anything I can use to defend myself? Well, I did have the key for the hotel room. That won’t help me here, though. I was not ready when she kicked me hard in the shin. Ow! I clutched my leg in agony. I bent over, and she booted me in the chest again. The pain was overwhelming. I fell onto the floor, and she turned away from me. She reached for the old man in the elevator. This was too much for him. He clutched his chest, and fell on the floor. “That was an easy kill,” the little girl muttered to herself. It was just me. My heart was racing so fast. I attempted to get back up to face the girl. Before I could get up, she stabbed at me. The blood spattered blade came down at my chest, and I closed my eyes, knowing that this was the end.
I waited, but I felt no pain. This must be what it feels like to be in Heaven. I felt at my chest, but there was no blood. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was still in the elevator, but now the lights were on and it was moving up. “What happened?” I shouted out loud, wondering where the little demon girl had gone. It all came back to me then. The girl cannot be in light. I looked around me at all the bodies of the people in the elevator.
The elevator opened onto the eleventh floor. The people waiting outside gave me a look of shock. Boy, did I have a story to tell.

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