Twist | Teen Ink


November 5, 2013
By karlasonaboat BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
karlasonaboat BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

I’m walking down the school hallway. The cold nostalgia hits hard and I feel like leaving. I miss her. I miss her long blonde hair. I miss her deep blue eyes. I miss the way she used to look at me and smile. Today, for some reason, was worse than others. I couldn't seem to figure out why. I turn the corner on my way to my first period class. I need to focus. I need to forget her, but I couldn’t, she was the love of my life.

That’s when I see her standing next to the door. What do I do? Is she waiting to see me? Is she waiting for someone else?
"Hey," she says slowly walking up to me. She isn't looking at me, she's looking at the floor. Then she looks up and she looks into my eyes and I feel something but I don't know if it's that she misses me or feels bad for me. "You okay?"

I shake my head. "Yeah, hey! Sorry, just surprised. What's up?" I wanted to ask why but I realized that's not the thing to say.
" I need to talk to you," she replies. She tucks her hair behind her ear, "meet me at the cafe on Park and Adams at four." And she walks away.
I better not overthink this. If she wanted to be with me she would've stayed 3 months ago.
After school I walk to the cafe, and I wait. I wait for half an hour and decide to call.
"Sorry, the number you have dialed-" did she suddenly change her mind? I walk out at 5 o'clock. I see her old yellow, rusted, chipped Ford Cortina behind the cafe, but I don't see her. I walk up slowly to take a peek and there she is. She looks asleep so I gently tap on the window but she doesn't wake. Then I reach for handle but I look down and it's covered in red. Blood.
I yank the door open and she's just laying there. I can see a small stain on her chest but her body is clean. This was planned, someone must be covering their tracks.
I'm trying not to panic. I don't know what to do, so I run. I know she's been hanging out with those druggies. I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind this.
I know who can help me. He's smart and he knows everything about everything and everyone.
"Hey Marty!" I yell from across the hall.
"Hey Luke," he responds pushing up his glasses. "What do you need?"
"Who does Sally hang with after school?"
"You know exactly who she hangs with." He smirks.
"Yes, I do." I respond, "but I want to know where."
"I don't care enough to notice,"
I grab him by the collar of his green Lacoste. "Now you tell me where, and that's all I'm asking, or I swear you won't see daylight tomorrow."
"She hangs at Linda's!" And he runs off.
Linda? My brother's girlfriend? I knew they were acquainted but why would they hang out?
I walk to Linda's and ring the doorbell. "Hey Linda!"
"Hey Luke,” she sounds overenthusiastic and I hate it. “What brings you here?”
“When was the last time you saw Sally?” I wanted to do this fast. I don’t want her to be suspicious that I know anything.
“Well, she hangs with me and Charlie all the time after school.” she’s thinking hard and replies, “so, yesterday. She couldn’t come over today because she was busy. Who knows what she’s up to. Ugh, she’s so drama-rama.”
I know she’s lying to me. “Tell me where she really is.”
“I don’t know.” and she gulps.

“I know you did it.” I grit.

“Did what?” she replies, “you have no proof I did anything.”

“You’re lying to me. You set her up.” and it all comes back to me. I knew the clothes Sally was wearing when I found her were nothing like she would wear. In fact, she was wearing nothing like that today. “She was wearing your clothes.”

“Why would she wear my clothes?” she asked. She was playing clueless.

“Well you are suddenly close, aren’t you? What does she have that you can’t have?” and i remember how much Charlie loved Sally too. “Is it Charlie? Were you threatened? Charlie doesn’t date girls like you. I know you have something on him. In fact, you didn’t do it. Charlie did. You made him, you were jealous.”

“YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING!” she yells and she falls and starts bawling on the floor.

“Why? I loved her. Charlie loved her. You’re a coward.” I grit. I pick her up and she doesn’t deny a word I say.

I drag her to my car. I hear her crying, begging me to stop. She deserves this, Sally didn't, and if Sally is dead, Linda should be dead too.

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