Its Coming | Teen Ink

Its Coming

November 1, 2013
By BlooKazoo BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
BlooKazoo BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stay calm and eat potatoes.

When I came to something was shaking me, scratching me my instincts kicked in, I stepped on its foot staggering it, I then landed one solid punch it fell to the floor with a scream, but it sounded human. “Oww what the heck Justin!”

“Stacey?” I said

“Ya idiot it’s me, what was that about!” she said

“Are you kidding me, you were the one that was shaking and scratching me!” I retorted

The room around me came into focus; it was a pure white room with a bed and waste disposal machine, no windows, one exit. I realized I was in the clothes that patients wear, that are open in the back. I blushed and saw my clothes on the other side of the room I told Stacey not to look and I changed.

I had known Stacey since kindergarten, she was my best friend till the end, which I didn’t expect to arrive so soon she was 14 and I was 13 because of her birthday. We were inseparable best friends, we never kept secrets and we were practically siblings, we were so close in fact that I spend less time at my house than I do at hers. Of course good things always end. We were zoned for different middle schools and our bond was broken a little we were still best friends but it wasn’t the same. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and was about 5” 4’, in comparison to my 5” 1’ Brown hair and Black eyes.

“Where are we?”I questioned

“Some kind of underground facility,” then an apologetic look took her face she knew I was claustrophobic this was literally my worst nightmare.

I began to sweat uncontrollably I looked at her and she nodded we are so close we can almost read each other’s mind I walked towards the door and slowly turned the handle it was a dank hallway but there was a light coming from one end and the other was dark.
“ What do you want now?” she said.
“How the heck did we get here” I inquired
“How am I supposed to know, I woke up in the bed and you next to me, asleep and I heard the door slam,” she said
“Wait the door slammed? Doesn’t that mean there is someone else here?” I said nervously
“Not necessarily it could have been the wind” she said but we both knew that was a stretch

I hollered “Is anyone here,” my only reply was silence. I ran for the light at the end of the hall Stacey trailed behind me. I was the fastest kid on my track team, but Stacey was faster, she thought track was overrated, but she was the fastest person I know, I call her Usaine Bolt.

We reached the light, the hall seemed to transform around us it became similar to the room I was in white tile like a hospital. There was another door at the end of the hallway I opened it. There was a note and a flashlight. I stopped turned around and looked at Stacey she wasn’t a person that was usually scared but even she was sort of questioning whether we should enter the room. We didn’t have another choice so we entered, she picked up the flashlight and tried to turn it on “Dangit no batteries,” she said. I picked up the note and read as I read the note a chill ran down my spine and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. The note read, in fast sloppy handwriting ….

It is coming….. it has been following me around this god forsaken place for weeks, whenever I think I’ve seen it, it disappears but I know it is there, for I know its purpose, it would have made a great spy if he hadn’t ruined the experiment. If you are reading this good luck for it can’t escape, this is its home and it thinks that you are its new toy try to escape but it is coming. I am probably dead already, and you will be too soon.


We stared at each other for a few seconds. She seemed legitimately scared, Stacey… scared, this is the girl who I said had no emotions, a drill sergeant, and not afraid of anything I knew that this could be serious. The look only lasted for a second but I could still tell that that had unsettled her, “He is probably just some crackpot, it was 50 years ago,” she said, and just like that she dismissed the note and left the room. I followed her out and said “what are we supposed to do?”

“We walk until we find a way out of here” she seemed determined now nothing was gonna stop Stacey Marx not even It. We walked and we walked and we walked we reached a big room as we stepped in the door closed, the one on the other side began to close we ran and ran and ran to the door trying to reach it before it closed we barely made it. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye it looked like a monkey. But as soon as it appeared it disappeared.


“We don’t have time for this” she said as we stopped to talk

“I think we aren’t the only living things here.”
“You are probably just hallucinating”
“No Stacey I think it is real.”
“Whatever let’s just get out of here”
A similar thing continued to happen I think I see it and it is gone, I started to lose it slowly getting more paranoid even Stacey seemed to realize it was there too. Finally she saw it and kicked as hard as she could it went flying and its eyes glowed red blood was spilling from its mouth and a human finger was hanging from its mouth as well. It was small monkeylike but at the same time was like a human no hair everywhere and it was wearing a hoodie so it seemed like a human.
“Oh my god” she cried
“RUN” I screamed at her
She seemed to be slowing, realizing the possibilities and seeming to be breaking down.
“Not now Stacey” she slowed, stopped, it danced around her, laughing an awful high pitched laugh teeth bared she tried to fight it punching kicking it jumped on her grabbed her bit her hit her, slowly she lost will stopped fighting and let it take her for it would be better than continuing the torture. I realized that it had been made as a spy for the war it was capable of interrogation and stealth. I ran away it was over for her I cried, remembered when she and I had gone to Disney and punched Mickey mouse because he scared her and when we had played soccer us versus the rest of the team for a scrimmage and won and remembered the good times before now. There was a ladder and my hopes flew I would finally escape be rid of this place I climbed and climbed the ladder seemed to go on forever. Then I heard it below me it had Stacey’s arm in one hand blood dripping I saw her banglet that she had worn all the time on her dead arm I couldn’t look I couldn’t remember Stacey as I had just seen her, I would remember her as a hard but friendly 14 year old who I had thought would never be separated from me ever. I saw the hatch finally I had reached the surface I opened it jumped out as quick as I could and then slammed it behind me a large clung rang in my head, and there was a dent on the hatch I looked at the sky, it was brown the trees were dead I realized, the war is over but it had ended in a Nuclear bombing and the world was still in fallout I was doomed to die right here but it wouldn’t end like Stacey. The world became fuzzy I breathed the toxic fumes and died.

The author's comments:
Creative Writing assignment

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