Party or Horror? | Teen Ink

Party or Horror?

November 18, 2013
By SelmaBecirovic BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
SelmaBecirovic BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Party or Horror?

“Party tonight at Jakes’,” screamed Allie over the phone.

“I’m not in the mood to go, remember what happened last time, said Lucy.

“Oh stop it wont happen again Lucy, it’ll be fine there will be no cops showing up to crash it!”

“Fine I’ll pick you up at your house around 9pm tonight, see you then bye Allie!”

“Don’t be late bye Lucy.”

Lucy clicked the phone off and sat there while a million thoughts flew through her head of what could go wrong. She also thought about if it was the right thing to do by even going but if she didn’t go her friends would call her a loser and a lame.

8o’clock rolled around so Lucy decided to get ready, shower, and head out to pick up Allie.

“Are you ready to party or what,” said Aliie as she got in the passenger seat of Lucy’s black 2008 Toyota Camry.

“Yeah whoo hoo were going to have a blast,” said Lucy sarcastically.

We arrived at Jake’s house and the music was so loud that the walls felt like they were bouncing and the floor felt like an earthquake was occurring. All Allie could think what did she get herself into.

“I’m going to go get myself some Corona, would you like anything Allie?”

No, I dont even want to be in this disgusting place like Jake is nowhere to be found and Adam is passed out puking on the ground, this is not safe whatsoever,” screamed Lucy.

“You’ve always have been the lame one and are a party pooper, I’m sure Jake is around somewhere but I’m going out to the deck to enjoy myself or did you want to ruin that for me as well?” shouted Allie as she slammed the screen door in Lucy’s face.

A couple of hours passed and Lucy was feed up and decided to go home but first she had to find Allie. Lucy searched the deck where Allie said she was going to be but there was no sign of her. Lucy asked around but everyones replies were that she was throwing a tantrum then ran off into the woods.

Without even thinking Lucy storms off into the woods yelling “Allie, Allie!” “Can you hear me?”

No replies. Lucy starts to panic, still searching for Allie. She turns on her flashlight on her iphone, the night was very dark and creepy. Lucy felt as if someone was lurking behind her as she was walking through the woods, paranoid she was. She could only think that when and if she finds Allie she would already be dead! She still kept faith in finding her but told herself that if she didn’t find her in 30 minutes that she would alert the police.

Hours passed by and Lucy was still running around and searching for Allie. When all of a sudden she ran across trickles of what seemed to look like blood. It went in a path and there were small puddles of it every now and then. Lucy followed the path for a good five minutes and came across a tree that had a bright bloody red hand print. She knew that this was fresh blood and that Allie could be anywhere around here! She followed the trail and there was Allie crying and screaming for help! Lucy about almost passed out when she saw all the blood coming from her arm. She ran over to Allie.

“Allie it’s Lucy calm down everything will be okay, I’m here for you and I’ve found you we will call an ambulance,” said Lucy.

Allie looked almost as if she was lost and couldn’t remember who Lucy was.

“Who, who are you again and why is my arm bleeding,” said Allie sobbingly.

“It’s me Lucy your best friend, you left Jake’s party and wandered off after we got into a argument,” replied Lucy.

“Do you remember anything that happened to you because your arm is bleeding badly?”

“All I remember is leaving the party really angry and coming into the woods trying to find my way home but I didn’t know where I was going because of all the alcohol I consumed,” said Allie.

“I have no idea how I got these cuts all over my arm, all I remember is finding myself laying here screaming for help then you found me.”

“I’m so sorry Allie, we should of never argued because none of this would've happened but at least you’re alive and here, whoever did what they did is a cruel person.” said Lucy

“Do you think it was someone from the party that could of done this to me,” asked Allie.

“I don’t know it could be but who could it of been, do you remember anyone coming after you or approaching you?” replied Lucy.

“No I don’t remember anything like I said all I remember is waking up here, how did you even find me,” asked Allie.

“You left a trail so you must of walked here from somewhere where you were injured and passed out not being able to remember any of what happened to you,” said Lucy.

“Let me call the ambulance because we have got to get out of here before anything further happens.”

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