soul mate | Teen Ink

soul mate

November 25, 2013
By blondie98 BRONZE, Wilmer, Alabama
blondie98 BRONZE, Wilmer, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Be yourself, never change for another person, and finally, live life your iwn way. Make your own happily ever after

As I am running from the shadow, I relize I am a shadow myself. A shadow running away from another shadow.
No, before you ask, I am not crazy. I do not need to be locked away in a insane house. What i speak is the truth. I am running from a shadow, a shadow I brought from the dark.
I am, as far as I know, the only spirit caller, whichnis someone who can talk and see spirits that have yet to pass to the other world. If what I learned in school is true, every gifted person has a soul mate who can do the same thing as the other. That is why I am out here alone. Trying to find my soul mate, but doing a pour job at it.

The author's comments:
Just a piece in the working.

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