Infinities Mark | Teen Ink

Infinities Mark

December 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Her stiff body lay in my arms, and open gash on her forehead. Another one on her chest. She had a cold gaze on her face. Her eyes were staring blankly into the dark fringed night air. I held my hand on her deathly puncture. Blood ripped out of her body as if it was trying to escape the corps. I felt my hand raise to her face, I laid is carefully on her cheek as if she was just sleeping and I wouldn’t want to wake her. I couldn’t tell the difference between my tears and the rain that was falling. The blood on her forehead and chest mixed with the falling rain. My hands crept toward her eyes, They slowly closed her eye lids. Kate, was in a better place now, no more running , no more hiding, no more screaming and holding her breath. But that didn’t mean that the group wasn’t in danger still. I just wanted it to stop! No more!

Tyler came around the corner of the darkened ally. He knelt next to me. His hands brushed threw Kate’s brown sopping wet hair. Tears began to rush from his eyes. The sight of him crying was to much for me. I looked away, at a small trash can and a ladder on the side of a building. I stood from the ground, my eyes fixed on Tyler again. His rugged brown hair in his face, broken heartedly squeezed Kate’s hand. I bent down to pick Kate from the ground. Her frail body was lighter then expected.

As I lifted her to eye level I noticed a tattoo on her neck. I never noticed this tattoo, probably because I was always paying attention to her beautiful tan face. It was the symbol of infinity. A strange place for the tattoo to be. Normally when someone gets a tattoo, it would be there to show to the world. But this tattoo was not meant to be see. It was like no tattoo I had ever seen before. Around the symbol the skin looked irritated and red, like the tattoo had been done recently. But where would she have gotten a tattoo before... she was gone with us all week, running, hiding with us; never leaving our site. None of us had. She didn’t seem like the kind of girl that would get a tattoo. It seemed awfully strange.

Tyler’s blood shot eyes stared at me as I stood there, looking at Kate. The rain was harder now. I felt a prick at the bottom of my spine, as it crept up my back slowly and into my arms and legs. A nasty chill. Taking control of my body.

“What should we...” Tyler slowly said in a sad deep voice.
“Do with her”?
I looked at him like he was crazy. But I knew exactly what he was talking about. I sighed.

“We are going to burry her!” I said louder that was intended.
I took a slow step forward, we hadn’t got IT in time, we are too late...

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