The One Night | Teen Ink

The One Night

December 13, 2013
By Luke_Laney BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
Luke_Laney BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lisa heard her heart pounding inside her chest and the voices inside her head were telling her to hurry and get home. As she neared the end of the dark path she saw her old, run down house. As she got to the front door of the old house she saw a note that read, “We will be back in the morning, you aunt Susan is in the hospital; there is food in the kitchen for you to eat for dinner, be safe and love you, mom and dad.” Immediately after she heard something moving in the dark behind her. Trying to get the door opened, Lisa found out it was locked. She walked around to the back of the house as quietly as she possibly could, and crawled through a small, shattered window. After Lisa had finally got in her house she went to her bedroom to feed her cat, but after calling it for a while she gave up and put the food in its bowl anyway. As she bent down she saw that she had cut her leg crawling in the window. She went to her room to try and relax. She got to her bedroom door and noticed that her cats bowl wasn’t there anymore; so she went into the kitchen and saw that the cat’s bowl was empty, on the table. She felt a cool breeze and saw that the back door was propped open with an old shoe; that wasn’t Lisa’s she went to the door and picked up the shoe and closed the door, in complete fear. As she examined the shoe she saw something that looked familiar. There was a star drawn on the bottom of the shoe, just like her little brother used to mark his shoes. Lisa’s brother had died in a car wreck two years ago, and she visited his grave every chance she got. After she thought about her brother for a little while she remembered that her parents had sold his stuff in a yard sale, and that it couldn’t be her brother’s shoe. All of a sudden there was a slow, eerie knock on the front door. When she got to the door she looked out the pep hole; she saw a strange looking man, in black standing there. As she opened th door her cat ran in the door covered in blood; and when she looked at what the man had in his hand she screamed and tried to shut the door, but she wasn’t strong enough; and the man was in the way. She tried running away, but it was no use, the man holding a bloody knife had her by the arm. She screamed thinking that maybe someone would her, but she was in the middle of the woods. The man drug Lisa out of the house and into the woods..

The next morning when Lisa’s parents arrived at their old, run down house they realized that the door was standing wide open. They walked up to the door and saw the bloody knife laying on the floor. They rushed to the phone to call the police. Shortly after they saw the blue lights flashing brightly outside their windows. The cops walked up to the door and asked Lisa’s parents what had happened. Her parents replied in a quivering voice, “We don’t really know what has happened. We just got home and saw that the door was opened and saw the knife on the floor.” After gathering all the information that they needed the police officers went and got the tracking dogs and had Lisa’s parents give them something that had Lisa’s scent on it. They went to her bedroom and got one of her shirts and gave it to the officers. Once the dog’s had her scent they immediately found the trial, which happened to be the path that Lisa had come the night before. After following the scent for about an hour the dogs turned and headed toward a small creek. When the officers got closer to the creek they saw something, and once they managed to get to the thing, they realized that it was a person, Lisa. Almost lifeless from being beat all night she looked up and tried to smile. They saw the cuts that she had on her face and arms. As she raised her arm to point at the man they saw him laying there flat on his back lifeless, dead, with a stick though his stomach. They got Lisa back to the house and into an ambulance and took her to the hospital. When they arrived and got checked in a room, she began to tell her parents about everything that happened that night. She started when she saw the note on the door, and being locked out. Then she proceeded to tell them about her crawling through the window and the missing cat, and her cut. She went on about her brothers’ shoe propping the door open. As she began about the knock on the door and the man she saw standing there she felt a chill run up her spine. When she talked about how the man drug her out of the house, and how he beat her and kicked her, almost killing her she began to cry. She managed to get herself back together and told her parents about how she saw the knife and she used all her strength to push him off her, grabbed the stick and when the man tried to hit her again she stabbed him in the stomach. After she had finished she began to sob.

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