Astray | Teen Ink


December 6, 2013
By IntrovertedWriter BRONZE, South Bay, Florida
IntrovertedWriter BRONZE, South Bay, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The thick, gooey blood traveled down the side of my face as I sat contemplating of what should happen next. My throat hurted and I had just about cried and screamed all I could. I'd prayed, begged, and even pleaded for some type of help to arrive. I had no idea of where I was and how long I had even been here. The only sounds to be heard were faint screams coming from the distant room. It was clear, if no help came soon I would die. I slowly swung my head from side to side, sort of like a penelum does during a 45 degree rotation. I was low on energy but I clutched ahold of my head the best I could to try and defeat the excruciating pain that occurred . I rocked back and forth as the chains attached to my legs thumped against the cold, hard, cement floor. My body was pale, although I couldn't see this, I just knew it because I had been without my inhaler for too long. My breathing increased and became harder and louder. "Haa,Haaa,Haaa," I pushed harder and harder to get a bit of air into my trachea as it became more dificult.Tears trickled down my face as begin to see a bit of light that was shattering to my retina. The light crept its way into my personal space and "Thump," I heard an earsplitting noise that upset my eyes, like an angry snake looking for prey. My eyesight went blank and everything appeared black all of a sudden.

The author's comments:
I enjoy writing and whatever comes to mind is put on paper. I've always had this strong passion for writing and the joy that comes along with it.

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