What We Witnessed | Teen Ink

What We Witnessed

December 20, 2013
By ashleigh277 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
ashleigh277 BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“There are no other witnesses, just us two.”

Maple is an average girl; she is about 14 years old. She is about 5’2 and has long beautiful brown hair and shimmering blue eyes, also Maple has a best friend named Hunter. Hunter is an amazing best friend; he has sparkling green eyes and has brown hair that is not short but not long. Also he is about 5’6 and he’s 15. Both of them live in Noshoe Misury. Maple and Hunter have been friends for 8 years. They met when both of their older brothers were friends. Maple and Hunter both have had rough lives, they know about drugs, money, and hardships. Well they have always been there for each other throughout everything. One day Maple and Hunter went to the Greenville Park to hang out and they kept seeing this car, it was dark blue and had tinted windows the license plate said 34HS6. Maple and Hunter began to talk about it. Hunter had his permit so they followed the guy. As they are following this dark blue car they found there self’s in the bad part of town. The blue car pulled into a drive way that belonged to a yellowish white house. The house looked very old. Maple and Hunter waited on the side of the road. Maple watched closely at what was going on. There was a whole bunch of men outside and one little girl with blond hair and she looked about 7. The little girl seemed to look scared but Maple couldn’t get a very good look at her because a man that looks like he’s in his late 30s snatched her and took her in the old house. A few minutes later the guy that was in the car got out he was a white male and looked to be in his early 30s. Maple and Hunter both had a weird feeling about what was going on. Maple and Hunter heard a loud scream! The scream seemed to be coming from a little girl. Maple told Hunter that she thought the scream came from the little girl she saw. Maple and Hunter were frightened and worried. Hunter was thinking about going into the house to see what was happing, he told maple this and she said “if you go I’m going to.” So Maple and Hunter went around to their back yard. They were disgusted on how messy it was. There were beer bottles all over the place, there was trash, and there was a little shed. The shed looked newer than the house; it was a light blue color, kind of like the color of the sky. No one was in the back yard so hunter jumps over the fence then helps Maple get over the fence. They walk through the back yard and see burnt grass were a fire had once been, also they see a tree with ropes on it. As they approach the shed they notice that it’s locked. They both suddenly turn toward the house. They hear loud banging noises and the little girl scream again. Also Hunter heard a man cursing very loudly. On the house was a back door in the back yard. Hunter and Maple go to the door. On the door is a window about 4 feet up from the bottom of the door. They peeked through and saw the man in his early 30s tie the little girl up. The little girl was crying and screaming “NO!!!!” Hunter and Maple had somewhat of a clue what was going on because they could see what the man was doing to her. How could a man do such a horrible thing to such a young beautiful girl? Hunter and Maple were so terrified. Then Maple coughed and the men that were inside looked toward the door and Hunter and Maple ducked. Hunter wisped “Let’s get out of this place and call the cops.” Just then a guy came from around the other side of the house! They darted toward the fence and jumped over it and ran to Hunters car and drove off. As they drove off they heard men screaming and cursing. And you could also hear a faint scream from the little girl. They arrived at a gas station and called the cops. The cops arrived at the gas station and they told them everything. The cops went to the house and the men were put into jail and sentenced for life. The little girl had been there for 3 years being tortured and hurt. She finally got to go home to her mom again! Maple and Hunter went to Hunters house and hung out for a while and they talked about what had happened that day. Maple said “I will never forget what we witnessed.”

The author's comments:
this is a short story i had to write for class

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