Banished! | Teen Ink


January 3, 2014
By Anonymous

The shining of the ring was so beautiful. It's blood, red color, gold band and white diamonds, were so tempting. It didn't help that it was suppose to be my mothers. Natasha and I sneaked into her room and stole it and Natasha was the one who opened the safe and got it. Before we knew it guards surrounded us. I didn't understand. We were so discrete about our plans. No one knew what we were doing...
I hated the unholy queen. She was an ungrateful pig. She stole what was rightfully my mothers(after we had tried to steal it). She hated my mother just because she was with the King. Mom didn't even know who he was. That bastard tried to find anything on my mother. The only reason she wanted the King is because she couldn't have him. So the queen was right in front of Natasha and I. She had the beautiful ring right on her finger. Where it should be on mine. Our hands cuffed behind us, it hurt how they shoved us through the hall.
It was horrible how stupid the queen looked. I hated how she treated my mother and I.
I wish my mother would have been the queen instead of this horrible beast. The captain was telling us that we were going to be severely punished for what we did. We would be sent to the dungeon.
Next thing I knew we were being pushed down the steps into the cell. The cold, metal cuffs made me shiver even though its not the first time. These ones seemed different than the normal ones. They took us to a different room to investigate us. They spoke to me in another language. I don't know why. Natasha seemed to be very confused. She obviously didn't know the language. Then it hit me. Natasha was the daughter to a very important businessman to the King. She wasn't going to be punished I was going to get all the blame. She did most of the work I just looked out for people.
I knew I had to get away from here. I don't know what they would do to me next.
Once they were done talking to us, really just me. I was going to be banished and of course Natasha would be let free. Which she was after the meeting. I was immediately pushed back into the cell. There was other people in the cell this time. They were also being banished. There was Mariah, Brittney-a girl whom I worked for, Andrew, and Matthew. I couldn't be banished I have a whole life of crime ahead of me! But why was Brittney here to. We were all put in the same cell all cuffed against the hard, cold, stone wall. I knew then I wouldn't be getting out of there anytime soon.

The author's comments:
I have very many dreams and the ones I remember I write down. This dream I wrote down and continued. I have writers block so I didn't continue. Its a quick stop for it sorry :)

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