The Haunting | Teen Ink

The Haunting

January 13, 2014
By Tae_Compt BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Tae_Compt BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Dillon M. Jefferson and this is my story. It all started when I was a little kid. I saw these, these things, they look like people but they weren’t, they were ghost. I tried to tell people what I saw, but they didn’t believe me. They all called me crazy. Nothing was there they said. I don’t see anything they said. Stop talking to yourself they said. For a minute I thought I was crazy too, but something just told me they were real. I could never get away from them. They were everywhere I looked. From the time I woke up till the time I went to sleep. Their names were Fay and George. And they were always wearing the same old school clothes from the 50’s. They were always kind to me; help me out with all my problems, pulse they got me what ever I wanted no question asked. Life was good.

The ghost always said that they were protecting me, but never said from what. But one day, things went from good to worst. It was Sept. 7 1998, the day before my birth day. I was coming from school; I walk in the house and found my patents dead. Blood was everywhere. They looked like they were ripped apart by a hell hound. But I thought that those things didn’t exist. I thought that they were these fictional characters, made up to scare little kids. After I was through crying, Fay and George told me don’t cry little one, and, that they were the ones who did this, and they did it for me. I said “I never told you to kill my parents.” But they didn’t answer me, they just floated away.

In a matter of weeks I went to go stay with my grand mother. Her name was Hazel, she was always happy; always saw the good in everyone, and situations. She was the only one who believed. I think that she sees them to but I’m not certain. Life was good again, but on the anniversary of my parents’ death September 7; the day before my birth day, I found my grandmother ripped apart in her bed room. The room had bits of pieces of my gma all over them, it looked fresh. But this time the blood was spelling something on the walls. It said “Everyone you know and love will DIE”. I knew exactly who did this. It was the ghost no one else came to mind.

Now the ghost doesn’t even look the same when I look at them, they have am evil look in their eyes with a thirst for blood. The next day my English teacher Mrs.D was killed on her way home from school. The police can’t figure out her cause of death, but I do it was Fay and George. A few days later they killed my best friend Anthony when he was in the locker room by himself. I tried to ask them why they were doing this to me bust they nerved answered. I ever tried to make them take me and stop killing everyone, but they said just wait for your turn its coming. So over the next ten years everyone was dead I was the last person alive. So before I die I decided to write my story uydhigahu ihfudhauiiugfahughfuhgauipiuhpuuu………………………………

I’m sorry Dillon cant type right now his brains are all over the keyboard,

love Fay and George.

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on Jan. 17 2014 at 7:08 pm
Rayeil-Manning BRONZE, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Be kind. for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.-Martin Luther King Jr.

This article may haunt my NIGHTMARES. Or worse, Reality. It can stay in my mind for about a few days like a scary movie. And, yes, I'm scared to finish writing my scary thriller story