Bloodcurdling | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By Ayman701 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Ayman701 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many years ago there was village named Babette. A man came to that village one day who was covered with blood and scars on his body. Just as he crossed the gate the whole village stopped what they were doing. A bloodcurdling scream shook the village. Then all of a sudden! Boom! On one side of the village all the lights went out. In the center of the village, a little girl stood, flames surrounding her. Her blond hair became drenched with a liquid; it looked and smelled like tar, her eyes turned black. She cowardly hid her face in her hands like a turtle will hide in its shell , when she slowly moved her hands her face had changed. Instead of the baby doll face she once had, she was covered in scars, flesh deeps. Her eyes were completely black, no color. Her nails reached the floor. She walked up to a villager, her nails dragging on the ground, creating deep scratches. She said “Play with me?” and then she was gone. She was never seen again but the village was never the same.

After a while , a game called How Long Can You Survive began and the game was held in that village. There were 3 participants; the names of those participants were Rose, Gavin, and Carly. They were determined to win this competition. They didn’t know where they were taken for this competition. When they reached there they came out one at a time.

“What is that smell?” asked Rose as she was walking towards the gate.

“Smells like death.” Carly said. “And a hint of dust” Gavin added. There was only one house in the village. When they entered the house they saw new furniture, painted walls etc. They were very tired because it was a long journey so after their dinner they went straight to bed.
The next morning Carly woke up early and went for a little jog. She was tired so she sat on a rock to give herself some rest. All of a sudden a noise came from the woods. She looked back and there was no one there. Just as she was about to leave she looked back again and she saw some foot prints on the ground. She was a little shocked because she knew no one was up this early so she left that place as quick as she can. Then when she almost came back to the house she realized that she left her water bottle back there so she went back to get it. When she reached there she saw a little girl standing right beside she was sitting. So she came close to her. “Do you need any help” Carly asked. The little girl turned around. She had black eyes, long nails, and scars all over her face and arms. Carly cried out a loud scream, she ran back to the house, her legs were moving faster than her thoughts. She ran and ran, but every time she turned the corner, the road stretched out more. She turned her head back every now and then to check for the girl, each time she did the girl got closer and closer.

Carly turned the last corner, she finally saw the house, it was only yards away, and she thought she could make it. But out of nowhere a fire ignited setting the house on fire, Carly screamed again. She sprinted to the house, now it seemed further away than ever; her hope was slowly dwindling away.

Then she felt it, a hot breathe on the back of her neck. She instantly turned around, only to come face to face with the girl. “Play with me?” was the last thing Carly heard, before she was killed.

In the afternoon , Gavin and Rose started to look for Carly. But she could nowhere be found. Then Rose went back to the house so that she could inform the show producers but Gavin was still looking for Carly. He went back to the place where Carly was sitting, over there he found her water bottle just as he turned around to tell Rose he saw a little girl turned on the opposite side. “Do you know where Carly is, Ms.” Gavin asked while he was trying to take a glimpse of her face. Then she turned around slowly with a little doll face and she said “Would you like to play with me?”

“Umm…. sure but before that can you help me find Carly?” The little girl agreed to help him. As they stated walking towards the woods Gavin noticed something different. He told her to stop immediately. She turned around slowly. Everything changed rapidly she had scars on her face instead of the cute doll face. “Would you like to play with Carly and I?” Gavin agrees hesitantly, fearing that his life may be in danger, she might know where Carly is, and I have to take the risk to save her. He suggests her to play hide and seek and tells her to find Carly.

“Would you like to see her?” the little girl asked, her sweet voice was gone, in its place was a deep voice. Gavin nodded, “Close your eyes.” He sheepishly closed his eyes, when he opened them Carly’s ghost stood before them it looked like she was yelling something, Gavin couldn't hear her, what he could hear was the little girl say “Thanks for playing.:”

Just as when Rose was about to call the producers she heard Gavin scream. She ran as fast she can to reach Gavin but she was too late. She saw Gavin’s body hanging on one of the tree branch. She turned around to run away but she couldn't something was holding on to her when she turned there she was the little girl standing with blood coming out of her mouth and nails. She went down to her knees begging for her life but the only thing she heard last was “Would you like to play with Gavin, Carly, and I?”

Some people went to check for three of them but they couldn’t enter the gate some invisible power was stopping them. That’s when a voice came from now where saying

“No matter how many good deeds are born evil will never die.”

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