The Manor | Teen Ink

The Manor

January 17, 2014
By Cmyhaver BRONZE, Gray, Maine
Cmyhaver BRONZE, Gray, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The manor brought me so many great memories. It's a shame it had to bring me my last.

I opened the front door, as I had so many times before. It was the dead of night, and all that could be heard was the howl of the wind whipping through the trees. The cool August air nipped at my skin. I closed the door and flicked the light switch. To my surprise, the room remained dark. I didn't panic, for I knew the manor all too well. To my right would be a staircase, leading to the bedroom where I spent countless nights with my closest friend, Sam. Ahead of me would be the living room, where Sam and I played games when we wanted to escape home. I walked into the living room and tried the light switch.

Nothing. Not a single flicker of light could be found anywhere in the house. I began to grow nervous. I thought about the tales of the manor, the horror stories people used to tell. They say the place is haunted, but did I really believe that? No, I don't believe I did, but it was the danger and mystery surrounding the manor that appealed to us as kids. We never told our parents where we were going, nor did we need to; nothing had ever gone wrong. Until now.

I moved to the kitchen. No light. I turned on the water facet, only to find it completely dry. Paranoia struck me from every corner. I tried comforting myself, remembering all the times Sam and I spent exploring the place. If only Sam was here...

An unnerving thought hit my mind. Sam.

A couple days ago, Sam told me he was coming to the manor, that he wanted to see it one last time before leaving for college. He hadn't answered any of my calls since. I didn't think much of it. I figured he was busy packing for school, as was I. Now I faced a scary truth.

My heart was pumping out of my chest. Had Sam made it out alive? Was he trapped somewhere in the manor? If I had any sense, I would leave this place and never come back. But I couldn't. I spent my childhood in the manor, and never saw anything out of place. I wasn't leaving until I uncovered the mystery.

What a mistake.

I made my way over to the staircase. Slowly, I ascended toward the bedroom, making as little noise as possible. I could feel myself grow tense with every step. I could feel that something was wrong, but there was no turning back now.

There was a sound. A faint, screeching sound was coming from behind the bedroom door. "Sam?" I thought. "Could it be you?" I approached the door, and the sound grew louder. It rang in my ears, increasing its intensity with every step. My heart was flying out of my chest. The sound consumed me, eating away at every strand of sanity I had left. In one quick movement, I swung the door open, and took my final breath.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece to leave the reading puzzled. I wanted to draw the reader in by creating an ominous atmosphere that grows spookier as the story progresses. When the narrator comes to his final moment, the story ends, leaving the reader to determine for him or herself what the mystery of the Manor really was.

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