Headless Horseman | Teen Ink

Headless Horseman

January 27, 2014
By oleviab97 BRONZE, Haymarket, Virginia
oleviab97 BRONZE, Haymarket, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She lowered the knife and it grew even brighter. The pumpkin now seemed as bright as the sun as the blade was only inches away. Scarlet was ready to make her award winning pumpkin pie she makes every year for the county fair. Scarlet’s family comes from a long like of witches so this pumpkin was magical. The pumpkin grows brighter as the blade becomes closer because its life is almost over. Scarlet couldn’t take the brightness of the pumpkin anymore so she stabbed the 6-inch blade into the top of the pumpkin and began cutting. Scarlet’s family thought it was wrong that she used a magical pumpkin because it was unfair to all the other contestants competing, but she didn’t care. The way she saw it, she was a witch, so why not use her powers every chance she got. After the pumpkin pie was baked and smelling delicious she decided to call it a night and go to bed. She brushed her teeth, put on her nightgown, and fell into a very deep sleep. Around 1:22 AM she heard a loud noise that awakened her. It was coming from the kitchen and she knew it had to be one of her family members destroying her pie. A huge rush of rage flowed over her. She headed out to the kitchen prepared to zap whichever family member that was destroying her pie. But what she saw that night, the last thing she ever saw, was not a family member, nor anyone she personally knew. It was somebody she had only read about, somebody she thought was only a myth. She dropped to the ground screaming at what she saw. The next morning her best friend, Ezra, came over to go with her to the county fair. She knocked and there was no reply, so he became very worried. He walked into her house and called her name when there was no reply he walked to the kitchen. He was startled by what he saw. The once pasty eroded white walls were now coated thick with red blood. He ran everywhere in the house trying to find Scarlet but couldn’t find her anywhere. He was so confused and didn’t know what to do. He decided to check the fridge for the pie because he thought maybe it would give him some idea of what happened since it was magical. So he opened the fridge to look for it but he did not see a pumpkin pie. Instead he saw an unappealing and frightening looking one. There was a note on it so he grabbed the pie and carried it over to the counter. He took the note off and read it. “She made a pie out of my head so I took the liberty of making one out of hers. Happy Halloween! XOXO…
-The Headless Horseman”

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