Pick One | Teen Ink

Pick One

January 28, 2014
By H.J.H BRONZE, Millersville, Maryland
H.J.H BRONZE, Millersville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Mom let’s go! I’ve been waiting all year for this!” exclaimed Vince. His mom looked up from her paper and then glanced at her husband.

“All right then, let’s get going,” She replied. Vince raced to the door and before his parents could stop him, he ran down the street. He arrived in front of a green building. The building had one glass door that all the kids peered through. The inside of the store was bursting with every type of candy imaginable. Vince slowly pushed the door open and stood there in shock. An explosion of colors filled the room and the smell of sugar entered Vince’s nose.

Every wall had shelves packed with candy bars, Reese’s Cups, and bags of jelly beans. In the middle of the store was a giant machine that dispensed nerds, M & M’s, and gummy bears. Candy Vince had never even heard of were piled up on tables. In the back corner of the store was an orange counter. Behind the counter stood a small lady. She wore a wrinkled black dress and her hair held a yellow flower behind her ear. She looked up and smiled at Vince.

“Why hello there, welcome! Can I help you find anything in particular?” she asked. Vince looked around the room one more time.

“Umm… I’m not really sure what I want. But it’s my birthday today and my parents promised me I could come here and pick out any candy I wanted.” The lady stared at Vince then a small grin appeared on her face. Slowly she grabbed a box from under the counter. She placed it on the counter for the young boy to look at. It was a golden box no bigger than a tissue box. Vince walked toward the counter and picked it up. He could see his reflection in the shiny gold material that the box was made of. He looked up at the lady behind the counter. She suspiciously looked around her candy shop.
“Where are your parents my dear?” she asked quietly.
“I don’t know, they were right behind me. They’ll get here soon I suppose…but what’s inside?!” asked a very excited Vince.
“Inside…is something no one else has ever seen or experienced,” she replied.
Vince’s eyes grew wide and his heart started racing. He opened the box up and saw four types of candy in a line. The first candy was simple, just a round blue ball, like the top of a lollipop. The second candy wrapped in green foil was squared shaped. The third candy looked like salt water taffy, pink on the outside with a white swirl in the middle. And the fourth candy resembled a Hersey’s Kiss, only the kiss was white, maybe made out of white chocolate thought Vince.
After examining the four assorted candies Vince looked up and asked, “Do I get all of these?!” The lady laughed, “No, no. These are very special candies. You can only pick one. Each one grants you with a gift…well almost all of them.”

“What do you mean? Like super powers?” Vince asked in a confused manner.

Hesitant to answer, the lady slowly started to explain each candy. “All I can tell you is, one of the candies will bring you great success in life and financially you will never have a problem.”

“So I’ll become super rich and be able to buy any toy I want?” asked Vince.
The lady laughed, “Yes, you’ll be able to buy anything you want. But let me tell you want the others do. Another candy will bring you eternal love and the other will make you immortal.”
“Immortal?” interrupted Vince.
“You will live forever,” she replied. Vince’s heart began to race faster and faster. He had no idea what was happening. He pinched himself to see if this was really happening – it was!
“Wait you forgot about one candy,” he added quickly.
“Ah yes, the last candy,” the lady looked down at all of the candies and pulled at her hair. “The last candy will bring you death. But it’s only one out of three, so I hope you pick the right one.”

The author's comments:
This is a short story I wrote for my final project in my Creative Writing class. It was just a crazy random idea that came to me one day. My teacher thought it was a neat story plot!

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on Feb. 5 2014 at 12:56 pm
Ishika Gupta BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
great article :D