The Awakening | Teen Ink

The Awakening

January 30, 2014
By Benjamin Evans BRONZE, Hemet, California
Benjamin Evans BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The awakening

Uhhhhhh... chhhhhhhh hisses the air

Bring him out slowly. Begin warm up procedures.

Heart rate increasing, temperature rising.

Keep him under just enough so he isn’t conscience.

Yes sir!

You see a room filled with a few foggy containment tanks. Then your eyes begin close and you drift off into a bliss sleep. Darkness is all you see and then your eyes begin to slowly open. You find yourself in what appears to be a hospital room. The monitor beside your bed beeps evenly and continuously beeps. Your left arm is pierced with multiple large tubes about the diameter of a dime. You try and pull them out but your arm fails to lift as it is weak and shaky. You then try to get out of the medical bed and stand but you quickly hit the floor with a thud. Then there are footsteps slowly but surely getting closer where the door to your room opens and a nurse walks in looks down and appears to be surprised. The nurse shouts “he’s awake!” She then kneels down picks you up and puts you in thee bed. A doctor walks in and begins to perform tests.

The doctor shines a light in your eye “ok very good, pupils dilate, alright your ears look good nod if you can her me.”

You move your head.

Do you know where you are?


Dou you know your name?

More silence.

The doctor takes a deep breath “Your name is Chase, you are seventeen years old, you turned just last week. Ahem tell me if you know your mom or dads name.

You nod no.

Tell me if you recognize any of these pictures.

Again you nod.

The doctor leans back and whisper to the nurse but you can still hear them “Just as I thought, his memory is all but gone, at least he understands English. I want you to start introducing him to this strange world.

Yes, ok

The doctor leaves and the nurse pulls the tubes out of your arm when you shriek

Ah and so he speaks! I’m injecting you with some hyper adrenaline this will give you the strength to move for a while until we get you into rehab. So let’s get you up and walking, hold onto my arm.

The nurse pulls you out of bed and sets you upright. She begins to pull you slowly forward where u take you clumsy steps. She walks you out the door and down the hall a little ways. The nurse had dark skin she looked to be in her 50s but she had a complexion of sympathy she looked like a nice person and always wore a faint smile.

“Hold onto this railing ill be right back” the nurse disappears behind a door and sharply returns with a walker.

“Ok grab here and walk beside me. Were gunna walk down this hall and into the elevator… you do remember what an elevator is right?

“Yes I do.” You make it to the elevator and the nurse tells you to sit on the walker. She then clicks a button that heads to the first floor. When the doors open she wheels you out where the sun rays blind you. The main level is defiantly busier.

“Come on lets go get you some food it’s been nearly a month since you’ve had solid food. We’ll start you off on something easy.”

“That would be good I’m pretty hungry! By the way what is your name?”

“My name is Calpurna”

“So I’m just going to fill you in on some current information. Today is November 21st 2022. You are currently in the North American commune. We are at war with the conjoined forces of multiple communist countries. Russia has reverted back to its old ways North Korea overcame the south and china’s military quickly evolved into a formidable army. We have formed an alliance with Canada and Mexico.

“So where are we exactly?”

“I’m sorry Hun but that’s classified. Know eat up you need to get your strength back.”

You take a few bights when all of a sudden you see an explosion shortly followed by a shock wave. Alarms go off and guards start to run past you. Calpurnia grabs your wheel chair and wheels you off to an elevator. You look behind when you hear gunshots. When you get into the elevator She pushes a button which begins a decent even further down. Above you hear loud clinks probley security doors closing. The doors open and you are rushed into a vault which then closes behind you. There are many other people in with you and you are whisked away to a medical room. You are laid on a bed where you begin to doze off. All you see is darkness.

The author's comments:
well I was laying in bed sick and I just let my mind wander!

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