Trapped | Teen Ink


January 23, 2014
By estefany BRONZE, Richfield, Minnesota
estefany BRONZE, Richfield, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hesitantly take a step forward into the dark tunnel. Once I step in, I hear the door behind me shut. I dart forward to the door, pounding my hand on it. I scream and yell for help, hoping someone will hear me on the other side. The palm of my hands begin to ache the more I slam it against the door. I turn my back on the door, and slowly slide down it. I knew I should’ve never walked in here in the first place. I bang my head back, while bringing my hands to my head, and sighing. Out of nowhere, I hear something. I raise my head and look around vigilantly.
I hear someone call out my name. “ Sandy! Sandy, come here!” I begin to breath heavily, unaware of what to do. I look around my surroundings, frightened. Turning my head back and forth, then up and down.The walls of the tunnel were a rusty brown, and small lights trail on the edges of the tunnel, giving me just enough light to move forward. The cement floor is sleek and smooth. It’s chilly inside the tunnel, so I cross my arms trying to give myself some warmth.

I look around, once again, before walking. As I get closer, I hear the voice that’s calling out my name. As the voice comes closer, I notice something. The voice belongs to my mother. As soon as I recognize the voice, I dart forward. I keep running as fast as I can, but the tunnel seems to never end. I shout out, “Mom is that you?” The response is just a bitter echo. I don’t give up, I keep running straight.

After running for awhile, I bend down, hands on my knees, gasping for air. My heart pumping faster than I’ve ever felt it pump. My eyes are watering up, causing my vision to become blurry. The tears run down my burning cheeks, as I realize there’s no hope. Once I look up, I notice I’m inside of a house. I wander around the small hallways, stroking my fingertips against the walls. I stop dead in my tracks, turning my head to the right of me. I see pictures hung up on the walls. I gasp as I notice that the picture of my mothers family and me. I cover my mouth. This is my house. The one I used to live in at least. I feel a lump grow in my throat, and my eyes begin to swell up. Memories begin to flash suddenly in my head. I lightly touch the picture before bolting away. As I’m running, I hear the voice that I heard earlier. I stop, suddenly. I notice the voice coming from a room. I place my hand on the cold doorknob, turning it attentively.

I see my mom sitting on an old rocking chair. My face lights up, and I instinctively scurry towards her. “Mom! Mom! I’ve missed you so much! You won’t believe what I’ve been through!”
My smile drops as I see no reaction coming from her. “ Mom! Mom! Can you hear me?” I bend down a little, and start to wave my hand in front of her face. Suddenly, a young girl walks into the room. She sits down on my momma’s lap. My mom smiles while grabbing a brush that was lying next to her, and starts to groom the little girl’s hair. I tilt my head in confusion, at the little girl. When I perceive the girl is me, my heart drops.
Almost instantly, I get up and walk out of the room, with my hands covering my mouth. As soon as I’m outside of the room and inside of the hallway, all the doors unexpectedly swing open. I’m quick to understand that every room is filled with a memory of my childhood. One room catches my attention. In the room I see my worst memory. In front of me is my uncle with me, as a little nine year old girl, on his lap. My heart pounds as I discern that this room is filled with the memory of when my grim uncle took advantage of my innocence and raped me.
I turn around not wanting to relive that moment again, but once I turn around, all the rooms fill with that memory. Everywhere I turned, a room appeared, it was filled with the dreadful memories. I cup my face in my hands, frustration begins to lead from my head to my toes, I begin to weep. I hear my screams coming from each room followed by my uncles unseemly and demonic laugh. My sobs become louder. Abruptly, I hear all the screams and laughs come to an end.
I open my eyes and see that all the doors are closed. I stand up, and wipe my tears with the sleeve of my shirt. I walk forward, still a little shaken up. I hear nothing but the sound of my heels clanging on the floor.
I decide not to open anymore doors, and focus on finding my way out of here. As I’m pondering around the house, I hear the sound of my uncle’s devious voice calling my name. I shut my eyes, and place my hands over my ears, knowing that the rooms will fill with the memory, again. This time it was different. Every room became filled with different times that my uncle would molest me.
I still remember that every night, when my momma would head off to work, my uncle would sneak into my room. He would always start off with small strokes on my body. Then he would later proceed to run his hands up and down my legs, and arms. After awhile he would slowly become more and more violent. Once he was done, he would always give me a lollipop, and say, “ Shh, this is our little secret, remember that.”

Once I came back to reality, I began to notice that all the rooms had disappeared. I see a staircase a few steps from me. I move straight towards it, and begin to go down the stairs. Hearing the steps creak every time I rested my weight on it, began to scare me. I start to rush down the stairs, and enter the worst of all my memories, my mother’s death. I saw my mom laying in a casket, dressed in her favorite deep blue dress. I also see my gruesome uncle, close family members, and me. Everyone was dressed in black. I was wearing the dress that my momma had made me for my birthday. It was a stunning little dress, every time I wore it, she would tell me how beautiful I looked in it.

I walk back to the corner of the room, and sit down. I cover my eyes with my hands, and tears come pouring out. I try to comfort myself, but I just can’t stop bawling. After a long period of crying, my eyes begin to dry out, and I drift off into a deep slumber.

When I wake up, I prepare myself to see more memories, but I don’t. All I see is an endless room of white. I look around petrified. I walk around, but see nothing other than pure white. The walls, the floors, everything is blank! Where am I? “ Hello? Is anybody there?” I get no response, just another echo...

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