Blackout | Teen Ink


January 24, 2014
By Mimi Leidecker BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
Mimi Leidecker BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brittany keeps honking the horn outside; she’s so impatient. It’s another Saturday night, but not a typical one. I’m already hung-over from last night, so this better be good. I’ve been known for this kind of thing, though; I can’t say what all I’ve tried and what all I haven’t. She stopped honking finally; but now she’s blowing up my phone, so I better get downstairs. I only put up with Brit because she looks good, but more importantly she has a car so I get free rides. You would think someone who can afford a Mini Cooper would have the money to also get one fixed, but I guess Brittany never put that on her agenda. There’re dents on every side of her car, but who am I to complain? Anyway, tonight is going to be “a night to remember” according to everyone going. There’s this new stuff there that no one’s ever tried; it’s called B, and I plan to be the first of the night to try it.


This party kind of sucks right now; even the bonfire isn’t that great. None of these people know me, and I’m not too interested in knowing them. There’s some slutty drunk girl all over Jason, which leaves me with nothing to do, and I’m going to guess I’m the only lesbian, at the party so I guess I’ll just sit by the fire and finish off my beer. I’m here for one thing and one thing only, and if the B doesn’t get here soon, I’m out. The B stands for “blackout” from what I’ve heard. I also hear some drug-head cooked it up by accident, and that also doesn’t surprise me. Some gaudy, red Mini Cooper is pulling up; maybe that’s the stuff now.


You know, Shawn better love me for all the driving I do for him all the time. It only took an hour and a half to get here; at least it looks pretty fun. I’m not much of a partier, but I’m always at one, mainly because of Shawn, of course.
“Hey, Tacy!”

Shawn wishes that girl was straight, I swear. Oh, and she just flipped me off, how sweet of her. I’m so ready to leave; he’s only here for this stupid new drug anyways. I have cheer practice tomorrow, and it’s freezing out here; I wish I could just go home.


Well, now that the drunken girl holding me hostage is passed out on the ground, I should probably go find Tacy before she rips my head off. She has the look of disgust on her face as Brittany talks her and Shawn’s ears off. I try to be really nice to Brittany because that’s Shawn’s girl, but my god is she stupid. He really only uses her for her car anyways. It’s getting pretty late and this psychedelic stuff isn’t here yet and I’m about tired of waiting. I bet it’s something made up anyway.


Well, this party is pretty deep; lots of new customers I see. Word gets around so fast around here, but hey, that isn’t always a bad thing, especially with the kind of business I do. I don’t look like much of a drug dealer, tall and lanky with glasses, but that just helps me get away with what I do. I got started doing this one day when I met a guy at the park who told me I looked like I needed some bank, and at the time I really did. I never thought this is what I’d do with my life, but I’m definitely not complaining. Anyways, it’s time to satisfy the customers.


I don’t know who this random is, but he’s carrying around a backpack, so I’m assuming the drugs are here. He’s a tall skinny guy, not much of a drug dealer type; I feel like just robbing him to be honest. Brittany’s been nagging my head off since I got in the car, so I might as well get this over with, “How much?”

Here goes nothing.


It looks like we’ll be here all night; he’s gone off into outer-space. I might as well walk around or something; it wouldn’t hurt to make new friends even though these aren’t exactly the kind of friends I really need to make. This house is actually really cute; it looks more like a little old lady’s house than a party house, especially with the wallpaper choice and knick-knack shelves in the living room. I wish Shawn would hurry up, I hate being at these things all alone, and now there’s a guy in the corner nodding me over. I guess I made my first friend.


This crap was definitely not worth my twenty, and Jason doesn’t look like he’s feeling much either. But whoa! Did I just Brittany take some of this, from a random guy at that! How unlikely. We’ll just see how the little princess handles it. I think it’s starting to kick in a little more now, or maybe I’m just light-headed, either way I probably need to sit down.


Looks like Tacy’s already out for the count, and I have no idea as to where Shawn just went. Brittany seems to be enjoying her new company; I wonder how Shawn’s going to take that tomorrow. Man, I don’t know how I feel about this right now, everything sounds so slow and deep, I feel like I’m slipping. I feel like I’m going to blackout.

* * *

Well, I just copped a good three hundred tonight. I don’t know what’s in this crap,
but it’s definitely something to stay away from. What idiots, and I thought I was stupid. I wish I didn’t park so far from the house; my dude failed to mention the house is located in the woods in the middle of absolutely nowhere. I also have a black car and it’s two in the morning, awesome. This should just take a billion years to find. Well, it looks like I found it and it looks like one of these tweakers did too. “Uh, can you get off my car, please?” No response? Okay. “WILL YOU GET OFF MY CAR.?!”

How nice of him.

“Thanks. Wait what are you do..”
* * *


I’ve been at the police department for hours now, and let me just tell you I’m not too happy. He’s a drug dealer; of course, he has money. It’s no surprise someone killed him; it was probably just a robbery gone wrong. It’s no use for them to ask me questions, or anyone at that; no one remembers a thing. Blackout definitely earned its name last night. Luckily for me, my mom has a party life of her own, so I’m not in much trouble, but I feel awful for the others. Brittany’s been crying the whole time she’s been here and Jason’s mom looks like she’s holding back the urge to punch him. Shawn? He’s probably knocked out his couch oblivious to everything.


This is so terrible; wish I could have helped this poor guy. Shawn isn’t texting me back and I’m terrified, what if it was him too! Someone is out there! I shouldn’t even care, he should have never talked me into going with him, and I should have never let myself give in. I’m grounded for forever, obviously and I’ll most likely lose my spot on the cheer team if this gets out. Ugh, and I don’t remember anything! Shawn texted back finally, thank god.


Really, Shawn?

This can not be real life. I don’t remember a thing, how did I even get home? Everyone probably wonders where I am right now while they’re all breaking down to their parents and the police. Not me. I can’t go down there until I figure out what really happened last night. The crimson stains on my hands say enough, God, what did I do?


Last night had to have been crazy, I don’t remember anything at all. I can’t believe the dude got murdered either. Whoever it was is going to get away with it; no one remembers anything at all. He’s just a dealer, it’s not like he was important to the community at all. Anyways, I’m sick of the subject. All I’ve done today is be nagged to death by my mom and listen to Tacy complain about being questioned. Oh well, I better get ready; I have to be at the police department by three to give a statement, too.

* * *

I’m ready for tonight. Ever since that Louis kid got murdered, there haven’t been any parties really; everyone’s been too scared to have them. The place is out at this abandoned hotel building thing; it’s on a side of town with mainly run down buildings that haven’t been used in years, so it’s unlikely we get caught. They say more of that blackout stuff should be there; this should be a good time. Jason better hurry up, because I’m not waiting for him much longer.

“Alright, Tacy, dang!” She’s such an angry, impatient person, but I still love her. I tried extra hard tonight; it is the first party in about two months, you know. I’m bringing extra party favors for myself, of course, but I heard there’s more of that blackout and that’s the main reason I’m showing up. I don’t know what’s in it, but it’s crazy. I honestly hope nothing happens tonight, though; I really can’t afford any more trouble. Tacy’s calling.

“I’m outside.”


Another party, another Friday night I won’t remember afterwards. I’m really not excited to go for once. I’m still trying to figure out exactly what happened the last time. What did I do? Someone died that night, and I woke up with blood on my hands. Did I try to help, or did I do it? I never went to the police station; I’ve been trying to lay low just in case. But I would never do something like that, would I?


My first night off punishment, and of course, I’m stuck taking Shawn to another party. I was already kicked off the cheerleading squad; another party is the last place I need to be. The stuff is supposed to be there ,too; I better remind myself not to take any again. Honestly, I don’t know what got into me that night. I’m just going as a designated driver tonight and that’s all.
* * *


That was the quietest car-ride with Brittany ever, I guess she’s still mad about the last time I drug her out to one of these. It also probably didn’t help that she had to sneak around her parents to pick me up now that they hate me too. Oh, well, I guess I’ll just make my way to these bottles until everyone gets here. Wait, is that blackout?


My god, is Shawn already tripping off that stuff? He couldn’t have been here more than forty minutes; Brittany clearly isn’t too thrilled about it either. Tacy looks about out of it as well, but it’s not uncommon for her to be one of the first people messed up. It is uncommon for her not to tell me she’s here, though, or to invite me!


Oh. My. Gosh. What is happening to me? Why did I come here alone? How did I even get here? Everything is focusing in and out, going from black to white. Is that Jason? It’s too blurry for me to see. I don’t like this, was it like this the first time? I need help, will someone help me? No. I just need to sit and calm down. Nothing is going to happen to me, it’s just the drugs. I’ll be alright.

* * *

I’m over it, I’m leaving. Shawn can find a ride home. Some girl just puked on my shoes and not even twenty minutes before that some pervert wouldn’t let go of me. Yeah, I shouldn’t be here, I should have never come here. Is that Tacy? What is she doing? Last time I saw her, she was throwing up, and that was a good hour ago. “Uh, Tacy?” Is she just going to stare at me? I don’t have time for this. Did I really have to push through her just to get to my car door? “AH! TACY WHAT THE HE…”

* * *

They tried Tacy as an adult; she was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to life. It’s crazy to think that someone you were so close to is a murderer; that’s not Tacy, though. She wasn’t in her right mind! I know for a fact that the real Tacy would never hurt someone like that, not even Brittany. She was my best friend and now she’s gone forever. Well, Brittany is the one who’s gone forever, but she wasn’t anything to any of us, even if she did have the world going for her. Maybe she should have quit sneaking around.


Maybe I should be more upset at the fact that my girlfriend just got brutally murdered by someone I’ve been friends with for years, but honestly, that’s the least of my concerns. I woke up with blood on my hands, too, one night, but unlike Tacy, I got away with whatever I got away with. There have been so many other deaths, mainly at parties; recently, no one knows what to think. I should be locked up for life, too, but I guess I was lucky enough to just have killed the neighborhood drug dealer that no one cares about.


All white walls and floors, that’s all I see. Oh, there’s a window with bars on it so I only see tiny slivers of sunlight. What did I do? I don’t even remember doing it, where did I even find a shard of glass that big? I have the whole rest of my life to figure that out now. Me, a murderer? I guess so.

* * *

Jason’s coming over to keep me company; it’s been three weeks since Brittany’s funeral. I don’t really miss her, but it’d be nice to have someone around, or at least a car. I guess I should probably answer the door now; I’m assuming that’s Jason, or maybe the police saying they’ve found my DNA on Louis’s body. “Hey, man.”

“What’s up, man?”

Jason’s pretty bummed about Tacy being sent off; they were starting to get really close before she left, I kind of doubt she was as gay as she claimed. It’s been a good twenty minutes, and all he’s done is sob; is she really that important?

“Hey, man, I got something.”

Is he really dangling a bag of blackout in front of my face? Yes, please.

* * *
“Jason, shut up! You’ve been crying about her forever; I get it! I’m too messed up for this right now just shut up!”

“Well, it’s your girl’s fault!”
“No, it’s not!”
“It obviously is!”
“I swear to God, Jason, you don’t want to try me right now!”
“You aren’t anything to me.”

That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Both of us are tripping, neither of us knows what we’re doing. “Jason!!!!” Did he just..? What is in my side?!

* * *
He won’t wake up! I just meant to hurt him! I think. I don’t know what I think. The room is spinning; everything is waving in and out, my back stings… Oh, no… Something is in my back! He stabbed me? How long have I been bleeding like this? It’s not the drugs anymore, I’m dying! I’m going to die, and it just hit me… It’s not a serial killer, it’s not rage, it’s the drugs. It’s the blackout. I can’t explain how it has done this to all of us… But I can’t think about this right now. Shawn’s lifeless body is next to me, and I’m slipping away. I’m blacking out.

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