Her Eyes | Teen Ink

Her Eyes

February 5, 2014
By Livelovelaugh12 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Livelovelaugh12 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh I’m never going back. Not to that stupid attic, not to that house, and never back to my mother. Mother isn’t in control any more. I am.

“Hello there, this is Amy Wither reporting for Fox 40 News. Tonight we have received notice of strange occurrences happening around the metro area. It seems people are dying and the cause is unknown at this point. The causes of the sudden deaths have not yet been identified by officers who are now investigating the sixth death of just tonight. Here we have someone who claims they witnessed one of these tragic deaths.”
“So me and my friend, we was walking across the street when we saw this fine looking honey. Being the playas we is we had to go get that fine girl’s digits. As we walked over she looked my friend right in the eye. And all the sudden he stopped walking and stood there like a statue. And I mean a statue. I tried to knock some sense into him, but after few minutes he just dropped unconscious. Next thing I knew, he was dead. If you ask me, it had something to do with that girl.” The young man said in a country twanged accent filled with worry.

The TV shut off as Bridget grabbed her jacket in a hurry. She had to find her daughter. But first her keys. “Oh where are my keys?” she cried in frustration. She frantically searched but there was no time. Six people were already dead; she had to find her daughter.

Eli walked past what looked like an elementary school. The swing set was deserted except for a couple of teenagers hanging around. A rock flew passed her face barely missing her and a roar of laughter erupted from the group. Eli turned red, but continued walking. Another rock flew through the air but this time hitting her shoulder. The sting of the blow made her squeal and flinch. Instantly she became infuriated. Turning around on her heel, she walked over towards the swing set.
The teens pretended to ignore her and continued on talking and laughing. She grabbed a pimple-faced boy by his collar in uncontrolled anger. He stared with confused wide eyes at her. He instantly became entranced in her beauty and as he stared into her eyes his mouth became slightly ajar. The other teens watched in speechlessness at the odd scene. Eli counted slowly to 5 in her head then let go of the boy and walked away.

Ethan dropped to the ground and instantly his friends were around him.
“Why isn’t he saying anything?”
“I’m not sure; Ethan come on this isn’t funny!”
“Why isn’t he moving?”
“I’m calling the police!”
“No you cant! What if we get into trouble?”
“Well what do you suggest then?”
“Let’s take him to his house and see if he awakes up.”
Ethan’s still warm body was thrown over Eric’s shoulder and the teens headed into the night towards Ethan’s house.

Bridget raced down the street sporting a bright pink young girl’s bike. Her mother had bought this for Eli, but Eli had never even seen the thing. Eli hadn’t even been outside since she was two years old. Her backpack weighed her down with the duct tape, rope, and chloroform all stuffed into it. She had a pair of sunglasses on, so she’d be prepared for her meeting with Eli. Another pair of sunglasses were in her hand, those were for Eli.

After the teen incident she decided she needed to cool off for a bit. Eli strolled along what she thought was 87th street. From the map she carried in her pocket, this seemed right. She walked past a quaint little restaurant filled with people. A young couple laughed in the corner. A child giggled as his father picked him up. Eli looked on bitterly at the seemingly happy scene. Knowing her life had never been as simple and easy as theirs. In fact she had never even had a real childhood; her childhood memories consisted of a dreary attic and a cautious over protective mom. And those sunglasses. Those dang sunglasses.

Eli heard the bike as soon as it turned the corner. She turned to look and saw her mother. She saw her smile slyly at her as she began to close the gap between her and Eli. Without another thought, Eli took off into a sprint. Mother is not going to get me again. She won’t lock me back up in the attic. I deserve to free. Eli turned the corner and ran into a neighborhood. She raced along the bushes and trees. Mother’s catching up. Must run faster. She ran faster until she saw a young boy and she halted. She contemplated over her options. Her mom was getting closer and something had to be done. She crept behind the little boy and grabbed his shoulders. “Don’t turn around, if you want to see your mommy and daddy again.” The little boy started to scream but Eli quickly put her hand over his mouth. The boy tried to squirm free but it was no use. Bridget screeched to halt when she saw Eli with the little boy and realized what Eli’s intentions were.
“Eli, you let that little boy go, he has nothing to do with this.” Bridget said creeping forward towards the boy and her daughter.
“Move another step mom and I’ll stare right into his eyes. And I know you don’t want that mom. I mean there have already been 7 deaths tonight. Do you really want to make it another?”

“Seven? I’ve heard of only six tonight.” Bridget’s face crinkled in confusion.
“Teenage boy in the park.” Eli said nonchalantly.
Bridget nodded grimly and continued on “Listen to me Eli, we can just forget about all of this and you won’t get into any trouble if you just let that little boy go and put back on your sunglasses.”
“No mom never again will I put on those sunglasses.”
“Eli I’ve tried to compromise with you, but if you’re not going to be rational I will have to force you to make good decisions.”
Eli laughed. “Mom you can’t force me to do anything, I have all the power now and here’s what’s going to happen now. I’m going to walk away and not kill you while you’re going to go home and pretend this never happened. Eli confidently let go of the little boy and started to walk away. The little boy ran inside crying for his mother and father.
Bridget slumped down on the ground feeling defeated. She had fought this war with her daughter for 16 long years and now Eli had finally begun to win. But this can’t be the end, she had kept the world protected from her for so long and now the world was at Eli’s feet and would soon be begging for mercy. Bridget determined to keep Eli and her power under control stood up. She sprinted down the street towards her daughter.


Eli’s arms flailed as she reached out to try and catch herself as she was tackled to the ground. She reached around and grabbed at what she could and smiled when she heard her mother’s scream. Eli flipped around onto her back and tried to grab the sunglasses off of her mother’s face. Bridget slapped her hand away and aimed to punch Eli in the face. The punch, aimed poorly, landed with a thud on the ground and Bridget screamed in pain. she tried to nurse her hand and massage the pain out of it. Taking advantage of her mom’s vulnerability, Eli grabbed and this time successfully took the sunglasses off. She smashed them on the ground until they were a mere pile of rubble.

“Daddy Daddy just please come look outside! I’m not lying there really was a strange lady out there who tried to grab me! She’s on the street now fighting with an old lady!” The blond headed little boy pleaded with his father. His father sighed and looked skeptically towards the door. He decided to please his little boy’s imagination and go along with his little game. He slowly got up the well-used couch and headed for the front door. There he saw the scene of two women on the ground clawing at each other. Alarmed at once, he ran outside and frantically tried to get their attention. “Are you guys all right? Should I call the Police?’ he kept repeating. He stopped when the girl underneath stared into his eyes, he crumpled down onto the ground. “Daddy?’
“No how could you?” Bridget screamed as she slapped Eli hard in the face. She looked at Eli in contempt and in total disgust and then froze once she realized what she had just done. Eli smiled and stared into her mother’s eyes, after counting to five in her head as always, she pushed her mother off of her. She wiped the blood off her face and continued down the street towards freedom.

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