The Future is Coming | Teen Ink

The Future is Coming

February 27, 2014
By Anonymous

The saying only time will tell is a lie. What is time? The units we tell to know what day it is. I assume that is what you all think about the word time. To me time is a cage. It has trapped me for far too long. Soon I shall rise from the ashes and seek my revenge. I dearly hope that they have missed me. I have missed them greatly.

I hope that Alana will get a gut wrenching feeling. One that will cause her much distress. I will watch from this cage as she goes insane. That she will try to prepare herself for my arrival. I hope that she hides all that she holds dear to her. I want Cordelia to warn her and everyone else but, of course no one will believe her. She is only the crazy witch who has visions.

I know that you are wondering who I am. You will find out very soon. My time is coming and I will rise from the depths of this wretched place. There will be villages set ablaze. Families will be washed away by the tidal waves I shall cause. Some will believe that the world is ending. Others will believe that this is the wrath of the gods raining down on them.

There will be no escape from my wrath. They wrongfully imprisoned me in here and they will pay.Alana will pay for imprisoning me. I will kill her children and husband.She is going to suffer. She will sit there and watch as I tear her family limb from limb.

The future is coming and no one will ever be prepared for my wrath.

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