Money Truck | Teen Ink

Money Truck

March 7, 2014
By Tyriq Hill BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tyriq Hill BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nickahill couldn’t wait to go see his family. On his way to the airport he was so excited, he was singing old songs that him and his family sang together on the holidays.
But Nickahill got caught up in traffic, and there was two money truck in front of him. Then all of a sudden the road blew up and him and the two money trucks fell down a hole from the ground. People came out of corner underground and got on top of the trucks. Nick couldn’t hear anything only a buzzing sound in his ear then he hears people yelling and screaming. They sound like they weren’t from this country. They put c4’s on the back of the truck. “BOOM” Nick seen the doors blow up and felt the floor vibrating. Nick felt like he was going to go deaf. He was so scared he didn’t know what to do because he thought that the people didn’t see him so he stood still. He watch them take a lot of money from the trucks.
All of a sudden Nickahill and the people hear police sirens so the people ran around and saw Nick in his car. They demanned Nick to get out of his car so he did. When he came out the car the people rifle butted him and he fell to the grown. Nick was unconscious, when he woke up he didn’t where he was at. He looked around in the little room he was in. The room had a foul smell like s*** and piss. Outside he heard people talking in a different language then they came in the room. Nickahill looked up and saw and tall white male with a scar on his face from the top of his head to the bottom of his jaw.
“My name is Vladimir. What’s your name?“
“My…name is Nickahill.”
“Listen I don’t want to kill you I just want to lay low and get back to my country. But i can’t do it now because you saw what me and my crew did. So I don’t think I could trust you.
“You can trust me I promise I won’t tell anybody that I was there and saw what you and your people did.”
Vladimir stared at him and felt like he was telling the truth but he wasn’t sure so he pointed his gun at him and said,
“So when a cop finds your car there and finds out that is yours and they go looking for you wouldn’t tell them what happened down there?”
“NO! I wouldn’t say a thing PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!”
Vladimir picked him up and told him if you say anything i’ll find you and i’ll kill you. He put a bag over his head and escorted him out of the place he was him and drop him off to the nearest train station. Nickahill took off the bag off of his head and when he did that Vladimir stopped him and gave him some money. Nickahill ran up the steps and got in the train when he got home he counted the money and he had 5,000 dollars he was shocked that he gave him some of the money but in his head he knew he couldn't take the money because of his religion his family would be disappointed at that. So Nickahill had to make a big decision he called the police. A few minutes later a detective came to his home.
“So Nickahill what happened down there earlier today?”
“Well I was on my way to the airport and I bumped into traffic.”
“What else happened?
“So there were two money trucks in front of me and all of sudden the floor blew up and the trucks and me fell down the hole people came out and told them to open the doors or they will get shot so they didn’t open the doors so they put c4 on the doors and when it blew up they shot the guards and they took the money then they heard police sirens and they ran out and they saw me and told me to get out of the car so I did and when I did they hit me with their gun.”
“So you were knockout?”
“I was a little”
“Mhmm. What else?”
“So a guy came in and his name was Vladimir”
“Did you say Vladimir?”
“Does he has a scar on his face?”
“Yes he does.”
“Go on keep going.”
“So he threaten to kill me if I will go to the police and tell you what happened, and he let me go to a train station and gave me some money I don’t know why but I guess because I promised him that I wouldn’t say anything.”
“How much he gave you?”
“Would you cooperate if he we get him?”
“Yes I will but you need to place me somewhere so he can’t find me.”
“Ok that will work.”
So a few days later the detective sent him to Haiti and the detective got him and he testified and they gave him 25 to life. Nickahill felt safe with his family.

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