Summoning Circles Letter (Teaser) | Teen Ink

Summoning Circles Letter (Teaser)

March 13, 2014
By anonymityatitsfinest BRONZE, Acworth, Georgia
anonymityatitsfinest BRONZE, Acworth, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hell is self created.

Subject: Request for Patient #696 to be transferred into Block B and attend stage 1 therapy with group 3
Doctor Holstom,

I’ve read the reports on #696 and I’m honestly bewildered you asked for such a request. #696 is still suffering from severe delusions and continues with his, shall I say messy self-harm techniques. #696 has been put on suicide watch a total of twenty three times and I have received several referrals of misconduct from other doctors involving #696. Not to mention his constant wailing of demons and witches frightens his dorm advisor and the other patients sometimes causing frenzies among them.

But I have also read your reports on his growth from when he arrived at Morning Day’s Facility. I’ve heard that #696 has given you information about the case in which he was sentenced here, that there was also a female present. I believe that if you are able to provide enough information to the courts it might help our institutions standings with them since the incident.

So I will grant you your request under a strict set of guidelines that I expect you and #696 to follow to a tee. I will send you the guidelines via another email. In the meantime you may inform your patient on the progression he has gained. I expect a full report on how the moving transgresses. If anyone questions you please tell them to notify myself. I will have my assistant drop off his new schedule and room keys for you before the end of the week.

Warden of Morning Day’s Psychiatrics Facility,

Thomas Deen

The author's comments:
This is a possible story for me. Just a small bit of information so not to give too much away. Feedback would be much appreciated thank you all for reading. The tags will also suggest other topics involved with the novel itself.

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