World's End: King's Rise ~ Chapter 2 | Teen Ink

World's End: King's Rise ~ Chapter 2

March 13, 2014
By SelenaMarie BRONZE, Springfeild Township, Ohio
SelenaMarie BRONZE, Springfeild Township, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To love is to destroy and to be the one loved is to be the one destroyed." ~ Jace Wayland (The Mortal instruments: City of Bones)

Snow fell from the sky and covered the ground as Jay walked against the wind, his duffel bag hit against his leg. His fingers were numb when the bus finally pulled up to the stop he had been waiting at for thirty minutes. He walked onto the step and heat fell over his body. He found a seat by the very back window and Slipknot pounded in his ears. It took two hours to switch buses and get to the airport. He pushed through the crowded place to the closest ticket booth. “Hello, Sir. How may I be of service to you,” the woman with golden blonde hair asked with a smile.

“I booked a flight to Miami, Florida under Jay Summers,” he said pounding his thumb on the counter and looking into her deep green eyes.
“Ah, Mr. Summers your father will be expecting you,” the female said and as she turned to the printer her eyes flashed red. His father had people everywhere under his compelling vapor. His father is far from human, he is worse than the demons you fear from fairytales, and bibles that falsely represented demons.

His father, Lucifer Summers looks human, talks and walks like a human but isn’t human. He can appear and disappear in a blink of an eye, send fire from his body, and he can take over your body. Marcy fell in love with him as a young girl; she was the one-hundredth birth after the last elope with Lucifer. Every one hundred years Lucifer comes back to Marcy’s family because the family’s power runs out and he must replenish it. Isabelle was supposed to be an only child but he fell in love with Marcy and left when she found she was pregnant with Jay. Now he must find a mate for both and he found one for Jay.

Jay waited for thirty minutes until they finally called to board his flight. He waited in the long line for each person to board; the man with a burly upper body put his arm up to block Jay’s way. Heart beating against his rib cage getting ready for a fight he pulled out his left ear bud. Before he can get a word out the man smiled with blindingly white teeth and said “Sir, you can’t have that on until you’re flight attendant gives the okay.”

Jay let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and turned his IPod off. He stepped on the plane and cherry blossom perfume filled his nose. It brought back the memory from the night he came home. It was their eleven month anniversary and she gave him the one thing she would never get back just for him to leave her with a note. He should have never taken her virginity, knowing that any moment, like the one now he would leave. That’s when the worst of it all hit his brain like a freight train. He didn’t use protection and if she gets pregnant, hell will break loose on Earth.

The author's comments:
Read the prologue, Chapter 1, then this one to understand what is going on. More to come!!! Tell me what you think.

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