The Good Doctor | Teen Ink

The Good Doctor

March 13, 2014
By Brianw27 BRONZE, Hallandale, Florida
Brianw27 BRONZE, Hallandale, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Let me tell you one thing, I am not insane. I am only taking my life because I can no longer live with the burden of that day. I cannot say the same however, for my former acquaintance, Dr. Thomas Wright. The events that occurred on that fateful day still haunt me; and it pains me even now to write about it. I must however inform the public that this man is not to be trusted, and should be hanged for the heinous crimes he has committed.

It all began quite innocently as one would expect. Dr. Wright and I had been friends since boyhood, oftentimes swimming in the river near our house or having battles with the group of boys from our neighborhood. I had not spoken to my friend in many years; he had gone to medical school and became a surgeon, while I became a lawyer. He had once operated on my late wife for consumption, about 10 years ago, but I’m afraid she didn’t survive the operation. We hadn’t talked since, until one day I received a letter from my friend which said,
My good friend Benjamin,

I have discovered something great. A feat of modern science and medicine! I am frightened to show it to anyone else, however. I’d like you to come see before I share my astonishing findings with the world. You’re the only one I can trust; I fear none of my colleagues will understand the importance or application of my experiments. What if they see it not as a marvel, but an atrocity? I could not stand for this derision! They may even have the audacity to call me insane! Me? Insane? Bah! If anything I am devoted to bettering the world as we know it. I beg of you, come soon, I cannot wait to see your gay countenance, and I do not know how much longer I can keep it hidden; I caught that damned nosy maid of mine snooping around, but I dealt with her.

Sincerely, Thomas

Intrigued by his letter, and dying to know what he had discovered, I set off at once. My friend often enjoyed the wilderness, and it was no wonder he had chosen to live in the woods. It was a long, dreary ride, but my horse rode on with a great pertinacity. It was the middle of the night, maybe 3 or so when I could finally see the house. Just as I was approaching, I heard an anomalous screeching sound the likes of which I cannot explain or recreate for you. My horse knocked me flat on my back, running quickly in the other direction. I suppose this is the point at which my journey was irrevocable.

I approached the house and rapped on the door. My friend quickly answered. “Benjamin! It is good to see you!” “You too, Thomas; did you by any chance hear that dreadful screech?” I replied. “Don’t worry about it. Why don’t I show you to your room, you must be awfully tired after that journey!” I was awfully confused at why he dismissed the noise so quickly, but I must admit, I was exhausted, so I followed him to the guest room. “Goodnight Benjamin, I hope to show you what I called you here for in the morning. Get a good night’s rest, my friend.” I drifted off to sleep quickly.

I was awoken by another one of those terrible screeches after only about an hour of sleep. It sounded like it was coming from the basement of the house. I walked down to the basement door, and gave a knock. My friend answered panting, arms covered in blood. “What?” He asked impatiently. “I heard another ungodly scream, and it sounded like it was coming from down here!” I said. “Are you okay?” “Yes, yes I am fine, go back to bed Ben. Great things await you in the morning.”

I found it much, much harder to fall asleep the second time. I lied there, wondering, wondering who or what was making those screeches, wondering whose blood was coating the doctors arms, wondering what my friend had to show me, and suspecting they were somehow connected, for it was too much of a coincidence that they not be. After lying sleepless in the bed for about an hour and a half, the curiosity was nearly tearing my soul asunder. I had to find out what it was, and I had to find out now. I made my way out of bed, and down to the basement door.

When I got to the door, I put my ear to it, hearkening for any clue. I thought I heard a scurrying, and a low growl, but I wasn’t sure if it was true, or just my mind playing tricks on me. I know now which one it was. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard laughter behind me. “Just couldn’t wait, eh Ben? Very well. Let’s go now.” He opened the door, grabbed his lantern from off of the wall, lit it, and led me down the stairs. I smelled something terrible as soon as he opened the door. I should’ve turned back.

“Here boy!” He shouted, and gave a loud whistle. I saw an apparition in the shadows, and heard shuffling. Out of the darkness rushed a creature, the likes of which I’d never seen before. It looked almost human, but not quite. It had 4 arms, 2 on each side, wings like those of a bat, a tail like a monkey, a snout like a dog, and the eyes, those beautiful eyes, I recognized them instantly. “What, what is this!?” I screamed. “This is my pet, Thaddeus; and don’t sound so alarmed, he’s harmless.”

“How did you make this, this THING!?” I nearly screamed. “It was simple. Patients come in for surgery, they never come out. Most of them were dying anyway, they died for the greater good, my friend. Take a look at the eyes for example, recognize them from somewhere?” “You, you’re a monster!” I shouted. “I thought; I thought you were different, Benjamin. But you’re just like THEM!” He shouted, and pointed to the corner. I looked hard, and saw a pile of dismembered corpses.

I was horrified and disgusted. “I thought I could count on you to understand, to help me further my research, but I guess you’ll have to aid my research in a different way.” He said. He pulled out a bottle of something, and poured it on a cloth. “No, please, just let me go! I’ll never tell a soul of what I witnessed here today.” I begged. “I’m sorry Benjamin, but I’m afraid you won’t be leaving this basement.” He replied. He backed me into a corner, but he didn’t notice there was a table behind me. I glanced over my shoulder for a split second, and grabbed at the revolver I saw sitting on the table. I shot at him, he dropped the bottle, but I only got him in the leg, then I shot at “Thaddeus” killing him. “My leg! My research! My beautiful pet! All ruined because of you! I will kill you, Benjamin!” He shouted, crawling towards me, but the fumes from the dropped bottle of ether quickly rendered him unconscious.

I ran out of that damned house as fast as I could, and stole Thomas’ horse. I rode home, and have been too frightened to tell anyone what happened until today. I am not sure as to how many people this mad doctor has killed, what other horrific creations he may have conceived, or even if he is still alive. But if he is alive, he must be brought to justice, I would aid in the apprehension, but I’m afraid I’ll soon be looking into those same eyes I saw that day on that horrible creature. The eyes of my wife.

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