Every Other Day | Teen Ink

Every Other Day

March 28, 2014
By lilsam98 SILVER, Hemet, California
lilsam98 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It started off just like any other day. I got up, I got dressed, and I hobbled down the stairs. The scent of bacon filled my nostrils and woke me up like a jolt of electricity. I ran to the table and sat down. My father was sitting there sipping his coffee and reading the morning paper. I looked over to my mom who was wiping her brow and cooking something that smelled amazing. I asked her what it was, but I was answered in the same jokingly way I am every morning.

"Breakfast," she said.

"Gee, thanks Mom," I said. Same thing as every other day. I looked down at my phone. "Oh my God! It's already nine o'clock. I'm late for school!" I jumped up and rushed out the door. I got into my car and started to pull out of the drive way when I heard the radio, "I hope everyone is having an awesome first day of SPRING BREAK!!!" I put my car into park and sat for a minute, feeling slightly annoyed but slightly relieved. I pulled back into the driveway and got out of my car. I walked back inside and sat down at the table without saying a word. My mom brought over a plate with two eggs and a slice of bacon on it. Everything seemed like an ordinary day. At least, that's how it seemed.

I decided to see if my friend Steven if he wanted to go see a movie. I called him and within an hour I was sitting with my childhood friend in a movie theater. Nothing seemed special. The movie was good, but it wasn't great. 'What else is new?' I thought. We decided to go back to my house to get a head start on our science project.

That's when things got weird. I drove back to my house but there wasn't anything there. Just a vacant plot. Nothing but emptiness. I tried calling my parents, but my phone was dead. "That's strange, I charged it overnight. It was at full charge before the movie." I muttered to myself. I decided to try going to Steven's house to see if he knew anything. I knocked on the door and Steven answered. "Steven! My house is completely gone! I have no idea what's going on!" I cried. That's when things got worse. He just looked at me with this horrified stare. That's when he broke my heart. "Do I know you?" he said. He sounded really confused. I didn't say another thing to him. I turned around and ran back to my car crying. I sped away. I didn't know where I was going, but I was leaving. After a couple of hours, I ran out of gas. I pulled over to the side of the road and into a dirt patch. I locked my doors and leaned the seat back. I just fell asleep in my car thinking, 'I'll figure everything out in the morning'. I went to sleep.

I woke up, got dressed, and hobbled out of my room. 'How did I get here?' I thought. I remember going to sleep in my car. I said good morning to my parents and walked out to my car. I decided to call my best friend Josh to see a movie. As I got into my car, I thought, "Just one of these days, I wanna have an interesting day, every day here is the same."

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