Mrs. Layks, The Unseen Ending | Teen Ink

Mrs. Layks, The Unseen Ending

March 28, 2014
By Alora_Power SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
Alora_Power SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Are you trying to tell me coconuts migrate?" -Monty Python and the Holy Grail

“It’s just us out here in this god forsaken forest. We’re probably at least 3 hours away from any kind of civilization. Trees lay in every direction other than the one small, weed overgrown road leading up to our small cottage. I myself have never been past the dead end blockades and signs, and I honestly never want to…

All the people I’ll ever know are my parents, my brother, and our neighbors (they live in a small house about a mile from us). My only friends are the small mutated animals that run through the forest, and the pair of pencil and paper.” I sigh, “I know that this is a dream.”

“What do you think is a dream Ms. Layks?” A man’s voice echoes in the dark room we are in.

“You. This room. It’s all a dream, or at least it has to be. Like said, I’ve never been past the signs.”

The man chuckles, and I hear the sound of pen on paper. “Back on subject. What is your family like?”

I smile, “My mother, I think my mother is the prettiest woman in the whole world. Beautiful blonde hair, light freckles across her cheeks as if an angel sprinkled them on. She’s short, shorter than me, and the sweetest out of all of us.” I paused for a minute, and started to hug my arms a bit. “I loved her hugs…” I shake my head. “No, I’m sorry, I love her hugs. Father on the other hand is very quiet. Rough and tough looking, he’s always messing with cords and wires, computers and screens. He has dark hair, that’s where I get mine. My brother looks like mother… He himself was angelic,” I frown, “is angelic.”

“You seem to be using past terms, why is that exactly?”

I look in his direction. “I’m not sure…” I hear him chuckle again. “But I’m pretty sure you know. Do you?”

“Yes Ms. Layks,” his chair squeaks as he stands. “You killed your family, the courts have examined you and has pleaded insanity. They stated you are in a state so far gone, you won’t ever be in a normal state of mind ever again.”

I’m scared… I don’t know what’s going on. I feel my body going cold, and my face is starting to burn…

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