Waking Up | Teen Ink

Waking Up

March 29, 2014
By RockMe1688 BRONZE, Apple Valley, California
RockMe1688 BRONZE, Apple Valley, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My head was killing me,and my eyesight was blurry. I laid still for a while and felt the sand around me. I slowly sat up despite the pain in my side. I looked around but I had no idea where I was , I slowly stood up and looked around but all I could see was a few buildings like a hotel, but I had no idea why I was here or should be here. The last thing I remember I was on a boat but I dont remember with who. I started walking toward the hotel, I turned and looked over the ocean when I reconized , something it was my backpack laying in the sand, I ran to it even though my entire body felt stiff. AS I looked at it i found two pefect round holes in the front of the bag there was somethingn shiny in one of them I pulled it out and it was a bullet. Holding the bullet I started to remember, someone had shot me I fell into the ocean and I was washed onto the beach. Someone had tried to kill me for something that was in the backpack I opened it up and found a gun and a stack of money and book. I opened the book and it was filled with secrets like stuff about the president. I now remembered everything someone had tried to kill me and I knew who and why. and now it was time for me to get my REVENGE.............

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