The Carriage Man | Teen Ink

The Carriage Man

April 4, 2014
By DiegoAvi98 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
DiegoAvi98 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A quote is not a quote without Quotations". Said by, Diego Aviles

There was once a man who had no money. But when the man was walking to another city, he found an abandoned carriage right there on the side of the road! Who would abandon a carriage like that? Not only that but it was in perfect condition and it even came with a horse! He thought he was seeing things until the horse spit on him. He ran to the driver seat and he whipped the horse to go.

After he had adjusted to riding the carriage he started his own carriage company he started off in a populated city he made a lot of money when he started off he started with a rich man wanting to go to the next neighboring city. He had token the rich man to the next city safe and surprisingly quickly he made it in half the time a normal carriage driver would do! He was very excited because he made over 15 trips a day! He then found his success. He went from rags to riches he had bought himself he biggest house in his hometown. He was the biggest hired carriage driver in his Land. He finally thought he was rich.

He had starting losing clients after he was had bought himself a new carriage, it wasn’t as fast as his previous one. He had bought though because his first one had started to decay and break. He had sold it to a man who wanted to start a business like he did. He had to get it back. He had traded his new carriage and some currency for the old carriage. He had his carriage back!

When he was driving back to his home his horse had stopped moving he also sold the horse as well. He whipped the horse to keep moving but it didn’t move then it turned and looked at him then started running full speed ahead for at least an hour until it made a stop he saw the area where he found the carriage and he was scared the horse and ran at the spot on the side of the road then he went full speed then everything blacked out. He was then dragged into the woods where he never woke up. The next morning a homeless man found a carriage on the side of the road.

The author's comments:
I read many horror stories that had a piece to this story.

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