Outbreak | Teen Ink


May 5, 2014
By Alora_Power SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
Alora_Power SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Are you trying to tell me coconuts migrate?" -Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I guess you could say it started when the meteors hit. Some landed smack in the middle of cities, so several hundred people died on impact, and a few thousand breathed in the weird misty cloud that came off of them after they landed. That was when the news started to cover it, stating that scientists have discovered something in the mist. Something… alive. Then the paranoia set in, reports of mutilated bodies torn to shreds started to surface, religious leaders stated it was a sign of the apocalypse, and strange incidents with suspects resisting arrest and even attacking people with bites.

Soon people quickly started to catch on to what was happening, and prepared for war against the “Infected”. That was when the killing started. Riots broke out across the country as people started “fighting back”.

Soon people were getting beaten and lynched in the streets just for being sick. Mass suicides lead to the streets being littered with bodies of the Infected.

It’s a shame no one listened to the part about those things in the mist dying when they came into contact with our atmosphere.

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