one Drink | Teen Ink

one Drink

April 14, 2014
By classmate4321 BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
classmate4321 BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“One drink is all it takes to capture the life of an innocent human being.”

The idea came to me after my last treatment of Kemo therapy. Don’t know how I thought of it, but I did. My mom was yelling my name from the lobby, “Kate hunny hurry up I’m going to be late for lunch with my boss.” I got dresses quickly and went down to meet her.

My mom and I adore each other very much. She is my best friend and I am hers. Because I am in stage four of my cancer that means it is almost my time. I know that there is nothing I can do to prevent myself from dying, I’m just afraid of going alone. And I don’t know how im going to be able to manage not seeing my mom for so long. I think that’s how I came up with the idea.

If I want my plan to succeed, I’m going to have to come up with a strategy real quick and follow through with it because it could be any given day that I just will not be here anymore. I need to kill my mom tonight.

Our day continued as any normal day. I went to school my mom went to work. Pretty normal. I am plotting it as a casual but sudden death. Kind of like how mine will be. It will happen around dinner time in just one sip. An ice cold glass of bleach.

When my mom and I are no longer here, I really don’t think it’s going to affect my dad. He’s never even home to spend time with us anyways. He is always working. Well good thing I do not have a loving boyfriend that I will have to worry about.

It is about two-thirty now and I am just getting done with my two hours of school. I am kind of struggling since I am only allowed to go for two hours of the day by doctor’s order. “ Kate can you come here for a second?” called Mrs. Newbary. She was my sophomore math teacher and I have her again this year, junior year. “ Kate, if you want I would be delighted to come to your home and give you extra help.” “Thank you Mrs. Newbary I appreciate it, I’ll talk to my mom and let you know soon.”

My mom was waiting out front to pick me up. Only a few more hours I would have to wait until she would be in the skies above us. I definitely will miss her but then again I most likely won’t be long after her. The car ride home seemed like forever. Probably because I’m counting down the minutes. We finally were home. I just kind of relaxed until dinner because my body was aching and my task didn’t need much effort to be put in.

Lately my cancer has been kicking my butt. My whole body is in pain, I’m always tired, and I puke up my own blood daily. Slowly it’s killing me. It has been a horrifying experience but I have had amazing support from my family.

Dinner time has rolled around the corner. I’m planning to do it when my mom is in the dining room setting the table and I am alone in the kitchen. I get off the couch and take my time because if I move to fast, I feel like I am just going to collapse. I got myself to stand up. I make my way towards the kitchen. My mom thinks I’m helping her out by getting the drinks for everyone. Little did she know something special would be in hers. I grab three cups for dad, mom, and myself. Now I just have to fine the good ole’ bleach.

I assume it will be with the rest of the cleaning supplies under the sink so I look there first. It is not there. “What else is bleach even used for?” I asked myself. It took me forever to come up with that it is also used for laundry. The laundry room was down the hall and all I had to do was quietly make my way there without without my mom noticing. I successfully made it. I look on the shelf where all the laundry detergent and stain spray is. Bingo. I grabbed the big bottle off of the shelf and made my way back to the kitchen without my mom even noticing. This is it, all I have left to do is mix the bleach in with the water.

I’m holding the glass on the side of me in my arm while I’m trying to unscrew the cap of the bleach. It is on pretty tight. I am twisting as hard as I possibly could. All of a sudden my whole body went completely numb.

“AAHHHH!” my mom horrifyingly screamed from the dining room. It felt as if there were a million knives going through the whole backside of my body. I am on the kitchen floor coming to realize I am lying in broken glass. “KATE!” mom screamed. I could not come to words to answer her nor could my spazing body so I just lay there helplessly. “Kate please just stay with me until the ambulance gets here” she was bawling over me. My seizure finally stops and I am just lying still now. Cancer has now taken over my whole body. I am going to be dead in a matter of seconds. My heart stops, and I stop breathing. My eyes are still open but I am non responsive.

The ambulance finally arrives and so does my dad. They get me off of the broken glass and quickly attempt to do CPR and defibrillate me but they came to the conclusion that their help came too late. Mom is buried in dad’s arms while they are both sobbing uncontrollably watching their only daughter get put on a stretcher with a white cloth over her body to get taken to the hospital.

I always thought I would die peacefully in my sleep or something. Yeah I was wrong. Supposedly death just comes whenever it wants to. Even if you are ready or not. If I came back to earth for a day, I would tell everyone I ran into, that they should live every second of their life to the fullest because you never know when it will be taken away from you.

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