Portals To The Past | Teen Ink

Portals To The Past

April 28, 2014
By Jake Ganter BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Jake Ganter BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
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Portals to the Past

The year was 1974, I was twelve and, I was at my great grandparents’ house lifting and moving some furniture for them. My great Grandma told me that I could have a break at lunch time. After I had moved the couch into the right spot, I looked at the time and it was eleven-twenty-five o’clock. I was getting pretty hungry. I had asked Grandma if I could get a snack.
She yelled at me shouting “you can’t have a snack before lunch, yah schmuck!!!!”
So I was about to go back to work, and as I took another step into the next room my
Grandma yelled “Lunch is ready!!!”
Sometimes I think she does things like this to annoy me. After lunch she had told me that I was done working for the day and that I had to rest my stomach. I had no idea what to do with the rest of the day. Every time I visit here all we do is play board games and those make be bored. I was bored and there wasn’t anything to do, so I decided to have a look around in Grandma’s house. As I walked around in Grandma’s house I noticed that I haven’t ever been upstairs, so I waltzed my way on up those old rickety steps. With every step I felt further away from reality. I was becoming noxious, and dizzy. I had thought that maybe I had accidentally taken the wrong plate of food at much because my Grandma mixes her pills in with her food. My head was suddenly throbbing. I kept trudging up the stairs and as was getting nearer to the top I started to feel better. My head felt like it was as big as a dump truck. I struggled to climb the last step but as I felt the floor on the top of the staircase I felt like I was lying on a cloud. I felt like I was sitting in a comfortable sauna and all of my stress was seeping out of me. My veins were popping out and the sweat was dripping from my pores. I had no idea what was going on and I was almost at the point of passing out when suddenly I looked up and I saw a string hanging from the ceiling. I felt something grab my hand and make me pull it. My mind was racing by now and I was seeking an adventure. I pulled the string with all of my might hoping for a surprise. The opening in the ceiling had unveiled the attic. A big ladder swooped down from the hole I had created. I began climbing again accept this time it was harder than before. I needed help that I couldn’t seem to find. Inching up the ladder I felt like I was getting woozy and dehydrated. Suddenly I felt the top of the ladder with my right hand. I felt a surge of power run through my body and I quickly made it up the ladder in no time. I took one step in the attic and the hole I used get in here slammed shut. It was pitch dark and I suddenly felt alone and like I was in danger. Then, suddenly, a very bright light had appeared in the distance. The intriguing, gorgeous, luminous, light had my star stuck. The beauty of that light had me helplessly falling and dragging my feet towards the great loom of that light. As I got right up next to it, I couldn’t help myself but to grab it. I felt my body crumble and I fell down with the feeling of happiness.
I woke up on the deck of a massive ship. I was sick to my stomach I struggled to stand because I was week to my knees. There was a girl helping me up. She was beautiful; she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her name was Grace; I didn’t know how I had known that. I thought about it and I realized that was my great grandmother’s name. I had asked her what my name was and she said before I had passed out I had told her it was William, my Great grandfather’s name. My great grandfather had passed away before I got to meet him. I rushed to find a mirror and Grace followed. In the mirror I saw myself but the people who surrounded me must be seeing my grandfather. I suddenly felt a big tug of the ship. I ran to the deck of the ship and the big smoke stacks were on fire. Someone yelled that we had hit a glacier. I glanced over the crowed and I couldn’t find Grace. I had to find my grandmother. I couldn’t leave her on the boat. I felt someone grab my shoulder and tug on my hand. Grace yelled to me,” Get in the life boat!” I ran as fast as I could, never letting go of her hand. I made sure she was safe. As we rowed away I felt light headed. I passed out in Grace’s lap. I woke up in my Grandma’s attic with the light above me. In my hand I was holding a faded picture of, what looked like the titanic. I watched the blur of light take the picture out of my hand and put gently in to box. The box suddenly shut with mighty force. I was in the pitch dark again. I was stunned by what I had just experienced. I sat up in the dark wondering what was next for my mysterious adventure. The light suddenly appeared over the entrance. The attic door swung open with the sound of the ladder falling and hitting the ground. I stared at the light still wondering what the purpose of that glowing phenomenon was. I wondered if I would ever see the beauty of that light again. I got up and hustled toward to exit.
I climbed down the ladder faster than a spaceship lifting off. I took one last look at the light and pushed the ladder up into the attic and shut the hatch. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where my Grandma sat. She was smiling almost as if she knew what I had been through. I did not know my great Grandma very well because we only visited twice a year. She looked at me with a sarcastic expression, more or less a smile, and suggested, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

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