The Thing | Teen Ink

The Thing

May 21, 2014
By Carol Tshepe BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
Carol Tshepe BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He knew the Thing was out there waiting for him. With that in mind he started writing the lesson on the board with his fingers – harder and harder until blood and bits of flesh covered the board and oozed to the floor. Now the Thing was scratching its bone-like fingers on the window for his attention.

To his surprise he felt nervous although he knew that this was nothing to be nervous about. He grabbed the red pen on top of the exam papers and stuck it in his arms, and then he pulled out all the nerves under his skin, leaving them hanging like threads.

Scratching the window almost got the job done, so the Thing with its dark lips appeared behind the window smiling showing its filed black teeth. When he saw this he began eating the stapler first to destroy any feeling of fear from his stomach. He then stuffed all the staples in his mouth, chewing them until bits and pieces of his teeth began to fall off, and the blood from his mouth covered his lips.

The Thing, laughing, stood up on the ledge and focused it's hollow eyes on him. Sick of dealing with the Thing, he took the scissors from under his desk and began to gouged out his eyeballs leaving hollow, bleeding eye sockets so that he could no longer see the Thing again.

Now at ease because of his success no more than seconds later he starts seeing and hearing the echoing voice of the Thing in his mind, “You can't avoid your destiny.”

“I never wanted to become...”

“It's too late now, you are already me,” the Thing said with a little chuckle. “Here's the list. Your first one is a little girl with cancer.”

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