Where did he go? | Teen Ink

Where did he go?

May 21, 2014
By Kassie Thompson BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Kassie Thompson BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where did he go?

It all happened when Sam and I were bored; you sometimes have those lazy kinda days where you have nothing to do but to just lay on the floor, well that was pretty much what Sam and I were doing. But, I learned a big lesson.
Sam and I were typical twelve year old boys. We were dying of boredom at a sleepover, when Sam noticed a small flickering light in the woods behind my house.

“Is it just me... Or do you see that light too?” Sam questioned, with a little excitement in his voice.
“Oh! I see it! We should go out and check it out.”

We were on our way out the door with our candle lit and ready to go because we didn’t have a flashlight (for some reason mine was missing) when my mom noticed us walking out the door.

“Where are you boys going?”

“Oh! Mrs. Donald, we are going on an adventure into the woods!” Sam exclaimed.

“Um, not in my house your not! Derek, you know how we feel when you go in there; especially at night! There are not so nice people in this world and who knows who could be in there!” exclaimed my mom.

Sam and I didn’t care, we were going into the woods even if we had to sneak out of the house to get into the woods; and that’s what we did.
We were ready, packing some random stuff when I realized something that I really didn't think of before.
“You do know we are going to have to climb out my window,” I stated.

“What! Are you kidding me I am not climbing out that window!” Exclaimed Sam.

“Chill out Sam! My bedroom is on the first floor it is only about a six foot drop,” I exclaimed.
“Ok, whatever lets do this.”
While, Sam and I were out in the woods we heard the crackling of leaves and the whistle of the wind. Eventually, we found foot tracks in the mud and that’s when we started to freak out a little bit.
“Ok, I am going back Derek! This is just creeping me out,” whispered Sam.
“Whatever, go ahead you are such a scaredy cat!” I barked.
I was a little scared but I didn’t want Sam to know that. But once I had time to actually think, I knew I was going to be in trouble when I got home; big trouble.
I heard Sam scream what if…
All of a sudden my candle was blown out by someone, I felt the person slide past me.

I was running as fast as I could to Sam but just then I was grabbed by someone; my heart was pounding out of my chest, how will my parents know that I am out here, they told me not to come out.

I was pushed into a van; I tried to get out but I couldn’t get past the guy pushing me in. The odd thing was that Sam was not in the van with me; I knew for a fact that the voice that screamed was his voice, yet they didn’t take him, they only took me. I kept thinking to myself; if only I didn’t go into the woods like my parents had told me. When I finally thought of how I was I supposed to get myself out of this the van stopped dead. In my driveway.

My thoughts left me hang all over the place I couldn’t believe what was happening. That was when the man took off his ski mask and I could not believe who it was. For crying out loud it was my dad and mom.

“Ok, Ok, this is very funny,” I sarcastically mentioned.

“Did you learn a lesson young man?” my mom said with a stern voice.

“Yea I did. I should not go into the woods without permission,” replied.
“Good boy, now let’s go inside,” my dad insisted.
“Yea but before we do that; what did you do with Sam?” I questioned.
“We never saw him,” my mother said as a sign of horror came to her face.
“But, I heard him scream in the woods and a few seconds after that my candle was blown out by someone. And I thought that it was you guys.” I whispered.
“I know for a fact that I did not put out your candle. Did you honey?” My dad stated.
“No I didn’t! Let’s go.” My mom said with a look of concern on her face.
“Go where?” I questioned.
“We are going to look for Sam. We can’t go tell his parents that someone in the woods took him! We don’t have a clue what could be happening to him right this instant!”
I swear we looked for Sam all night but we never found him. I still don’t know where he went. It was hard for me; because I knew in my heart that I was the reason that Sam went missing and never returned. Sometimes I have nightmares or flashbacks and then I get the chills.
I have never told anyone this but the day after, I found his watch laying in my bedroom the watch looked totally broken and scuffed up, and lying next to it there was a note stating“Watch your back” in red ink.

The author's comments:
I think this is a fun filled mystery!

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