Taken | Teen Ink


May 21, 2014
By Claire Collins BRONZE, Carpentersville, Illinois
Claire Collins BRONZE, Carpentersville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I woke up, my eyes half open, forming a blurry image of where I was. My body was aching and a pounding pain would not leave my head. As I slowly moved, more pain emerged throughout my body. I looked around, seeing nothing except for the darkness that surrounded me. My hands were chained to the ground and I could not move them. I felt like a statue, staying in one position waiting for the day to end. I wanted this so badly to be a dream but as I stared into the complete black room memories flooded back into my head. I had been kidnapped.

I couldn't except what had happened,it just went by so quickly and I had no time to defend myself, or scream. I was being so innocent, only walking in the neighborhood, why would they do this? Questions popped up in my head. Why would these people take me? How are my mom and dad handling this? Are they looking for me? Who took me? What do they want? Will I survive? I was trembling with fear, still seeing nothing but the darkened room. I had no clue what I was in for.

My mother came home early that night only to find an empty house. She yelled for me but no voice replied. Worried, my mother, Sharon, called my dad. He said that I was most likely was around the neighborhood and to wait a little bit. Hours went by and I still had not returned. In those hours, my mom called my friends, the school, and everyone in the neighborhood. No one had seen me, I had disappeared.

The police arrived shortly that evening to come to a conclusion with my parents. “I'm sorry to say but we cannot find your daughter, Hope, yet. We believe she has been kidnapped.” Tears streamed down my mothers face along with a worried, scared, and angry expression. On my fathers face was confusion, and much anger was displayed from his redness. They both demanded the police find me immediately before it was to late.

I layed there on the floor motionless, tired, confused, and hungry but could do nothing. Suddenly, the door opened and the beautiful light of the day came in, lifting up my spirit. A tall, muscular man entered the room with a suspicious smile on his face. He approached me but did not say anything. He then bent down, took my chains, and unlocked them. My hands were finally free. I wanted to run away but my mind was cloudless on what to do and I knew I was no match compared to this man and whatever was on the other side of the door. I had to accept defeat and stay where ever I was until I regained my strength. The man handed me a plate of food and told me to eat. It was the worst meal of my life. I curved up into a ball, holding myself, whimpering and trying to grasp every last memory of happiness and love I had left to remember.

The next day, my eyes fluttered open. My body was still aching from the horrible pain I had been through. I got up and started walking, putting my hands out in front of me so I wouldn't run into anything. I felt a door handle and tried twisting it. Surprisingly, it was open but I knew bolting out of the room would not be the smartest thing. I peered outside the door and saw no one but small little lights that lead to a staircase. There was no other way out but forward. I inched my way outside the door, every step filling myself up with more and more fear.

Still seeing no one, I quickened my pace to a fast walk and then to running. I was almost there, the stairs seemed so close and I was so excited to finally get a glimpse of the beautiful day light but out of the corner of my eye I saw something, it was in the shape of a young man, running and coming after me faster than ever. He grabbed and jerked me back holding me tightly. I screamed and kicked at him with all my might but his grasp around me didn’t loosen at all. I knew I had been caught and would pay for it somehow or someway.

Back at the house, my parents were still up drinking coffee, pacing the room, and waiting for any calls that would have information about me. They both couldn't sleep, especially knowing that I could have been kidnapped or in any type of danger. Loudly, the phone rang and my mother rushed over to it and picked it up. It was the police, they said that I was kidnapped and they had proof that it was true. My mother dropped the phone right away and slowly slumped down against the wall, mourning because of the news. My dad picked up the phone while comforting my mom at the same time. He told the police officer that they would be at the station right away.

When they arrived at the station, the officer ran to us, saying that they had a witness of my kidnapping, a little boy, who saw three men grab and throw me into the car. He ran back inside to tell his mother,who notified the police. They questioned the boy who answered happily. The officer then told my parents to go back home because there was nothing they could do to help.

I was back in the room, this time the door was locked so I couldn’t escape. My stomach grumbled for food and hurt from the mans tight grip around me. Suddenly, I heard footsteps, each growing louder as they approached my room. The door was pushed open with a loud swing and hit the wall hard. The people that came in flipped on a light switch but blind folded me right away so I couldn’t get a good look on who I was dealing with. The door was closed and I heard the people walking around me. I could sense their smiling and darkness in their hearts, but could do nothing.

Finally, one of the men told me that they were gonna call my parents and the only way I was going home alive was if my parents and I both cooperated. They quickly dialed my moms phone number and waited for an answer. She picked it up and a low voice followed saying, “We have your daughter, 5,000 dollars, six o’clock, Washington Park or you will never see your precious girl again.” The call was ended followed by a dreadful laugh that echoed in my head. I couldn’t imagine what was going through my mothers head. Words and memories were going through mine, all the fun times I had with my family. That managed to put a slight smile on my face. For now I would just have to wait have hope, pray, and have faith that I would get out of this but for now I was stuck.

I had fallen asleep but then was awoken by an abrupt door slamming. Three men came in all different shapes and sizes. I had to go to the bathroom really bad and couldn't wait any longer. I politely asked if I could use the bathroom. Then one of the more muscular looking men came over to me and whispered in my ear that if I tried any funny business, he would personally hunt me down.

He led me to the bathroom and I casually walked in but as soon as the door was closed I locked myself in. I had to get out, I couldn't stay in torture anymore. After quickly using the bathroom, I scanned the room for any escape areas, or weapons. I locked my eyes on a small window but wasn't very sure if I could get through it. I couldn't get stuck so just in case, I took the bottle of soap and smeared it all over me so I could slip right through the window. I climbed on the stalls to reach the window.

Suddenly, I heard a bang on the door and a man with a loud voice yelled to hurry up. I told him I would be out right away I was just washing my hands. Amazingly, I slipped right through the window just in time because the man heard me and became suspicious. Breaking the door, he saw me slip through the window and was coming after me. I had to run as quick as possible and not look back. I heard his pounding footsteps quicken behind me, which made me run faster. There was a ditch coming up, I was scared that I wouldn't be able to make it but I had to try. I quickened my pace with long strides. As I came closer to the ditch, my fear grew stronger but I would not let that take control. The man behind me had a very big smile on his face because he knew that I wouldn't be able to make it. That leap was the biggest jump I ever took in my life.

I pounded to the other side and stooped as quickly as possible, there was no other way to cross, I was free. Turning around, I saw the most infuriating look on the mans face, I was secretly chuckling. As I kept running, I came upon a coffee shop. Pushing through the doors, I asked for a phone and instantly typed in my mothers phone number. She picked up immediately and I yelled to the phone mom, its Hope, please come pick me up, I'm safe at a coffee shop by the dress store. I could hear my mother sobbing in the background and calling for my father at the same time.

After ten minutes of waiting, I saw my mother and father rush into the shop. Their faces lit up when they saw me and I was as happy as could be to finally be home again. The police took me back to the station for questioning but then allowed me to go home. As I came up the driveway, I stopped and took a long glance at the beautiful home and family that I never could live without. That night, we all spent time with each other and went on with our lives like any other cheerful household.

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