The Night | Teen Ink

The Night

April 24, 2014
By toffeecoffee101 BRONZE, New Richmond, Wisconsin
toffeecoffee101 BRONZE, New Richmond, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wolf was dead. Detective Demitri just went on and on. I couldn’t make out any of it; all I could do was try and dredge up what had happened. The detective broke in “Did you kill the wolf?”

“What?” I reacted.

“Did you kill the wolf?” the detective repeated himself.

“No! Why would I do that?” I was astounded that he even suggested that I killed the wolf.

“Well Mrs. Scarlet, look at your clothes.” I looked down and there was blood on my hands, shoes, jeans, and T-shirt. My thoughts were as dark as night.

“I don’t know.” My ability to speak was so low I could barely hear it. I sealed my eyes and tried to recall what happened tonight, but it was all darkness, empty, nothing. I looked up, feeling my eyes burning. I couldn’t see the detective anymore. I just looked off into the darkness, wanting no needing to know what had happened tonight.

“Why can’t I remember?” I whispered to myself trying to think why, or who; would do this to some…. That is when the howling started but no one else was looking around for the wild screams. Even when the forest was growing darker by the second. I spun around gazing at the reflection of a girl covered with a blood-soaked t-shirt, and blue jeans instead of a creature that was in the forest. As I viewed at this refection, I saw a man that didn’t belong here with his coal black t-shirt that revealed toned muscles, dark warn jeans, and combat boots. Yes he wore combat boots. This man didn’t notice anyone and they didn’t notice him. The man was looking at one person, and that one individual was me. Those dark brown eyes that looked on the verge of being black. As this unfamiliar person kept watching me, I realized he looked so familiar.

That was when it hit me, I was trying to get to my grandmother’s house when the forest was turning darker behind me; I turned around and no one was there. I walked on and heard a scream, but when I got to where the screaming was, there was no one, not even a sound; no grass hoppers chirping, no bugs buzzing. Then it went dark again. I did not know what to do. If I told what would they think? They already think it’s yours truly.
All the air around me started to get cold. When I took a breath it felt like my lungs were freezing. Just as soon as the cold came it was gone. I should be scared out of my mind, but I’m more petrified of what was in the wilderness.

I looked at detective Demetri wanting to scream there was more to the story than what the eye can see. When he kept noting little things, and in that instant I believed I actually might have killed the wolf. I sprinted with all my might, but didn’t get far. I stumbled over a branch and fell on a rock. The landing felt as if someone ran me over with a bulldozer.
Then I was running from someone or something, screaming like a girl for help, but there was just the darkness……and the wolf…. When I turned my head, there was another wolf. Both wolves had gray fur coats; their eyes looked so human. However the second one didn’t come after me. The rest was a blur. Then of all things I disclosed to the detective.
“I saw someone else in those woods.” The detective just gawked at me. He did not ask me who or what. Detective Demitri’s expression looked as if someone just told him that he was the one who killed the wolf; I turned and walked away, grabbed my red coat out of the police car and never looked back, like nothing ever happened that night, but all the darkness could not hide what happened in those woods. As I walked passed, I saw the same visitor in the shadows; nobody looked at him or witnessed the wolves that surrounded him.

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