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May 27, 2014
By Edith Lopez BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Edith Lopez BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lucy: Hi. What’s your name?
Strange looking girl: (Mumbling) my name is Dawn.
Lucy: Well would you like to play with me?
Dawn: No I don’t want to play! Now GET OUT OF MY ROOM!
Lucy: Your room?
Dawn: YES!!!!! MY ROOM! NOW GET OUT! (Screaming straight at Lucy’s face)
Lucy: (Runs out of the room) MOM!!!! Mom there is a girl in my room and she doesn’t want me in there because she says it’s her room….
Darla: OH honey I’m sure it’s only your imagination. How could there be a girl in your room? You silly girl.
Lucy: NO! NO IT’S NOT MY IMAGINATION! I saw her and she talked to me. She told me to get out of the room. Mom I want to leave this place, she scared me.
Darla: LISTEN LUCY!!! There is no girl in your room, and we are not going to go anywhere. This is our home and we are staying no matter how many things you try to make up. OK?!
Lucy: B...but I’m not making anything up mom. Dawn told me….to leave.
Darla :( gives Lucy a very concerned look) Give me a sec I’m going to call your aunt Joanne.
(Darla dials and waits)
Darla: Hello?
Joanne: Hi Darla is everything okay?
Darla: Oh hey Joanne I have a question …. I know this might sound strange but I need to know the girl’s name…
Joanne: Darla? (Somewhat confused) What’s going on?
Joanne: Dawn her name was Dawn…now can you tell me what’s going on?
(Darla immediately drops the phone and starts towards where Lucy is.)
Joanne: Darla? (Hangs up, grabs her keys and leaves)
Darla: Lucy! Lucy Honey! We need to go NOW!
Dawn in Lucy’s Body: Lucy?
Darla: Are you alright Lucy?

(Darla is petrified by what’s happening so she grabs Lucy and runs out of the house despite the fact that Dawn’s spirit has taken over her body. As she tries to put Lucy in the car Joanne arrives and runs over to Darla. Darla struggles to put her daughter in the car since she keeps trying to get loose. So Joanne helps her and stays in the back seat with her to avoid her from jumping out of the car. It seems as if Dawn has been wanting to get out of the house all along, but she needed someone’s body to be able to leave because her spirit alone was permanently stuck in that house.)
Joanne: Where are we going Darla?
Darla: I need to find out what happened to that girl, I need to know how she died.
Joanne: Darla, I told you that she committed suicide.
Darla: I think that something else happened, because it seems that her priority is to keep people out of her room or someone...
Joanne: What are you implying?
Darla: Did…. (Lucy is screaming in the back seat trying to get her seatbelt off as Joanne tries to restrain her) did anyone else live in that house besides her mother?
Joanne: I don’t think so, I believe it was just them two, but we can ask her mother…
Darla: She still lives in town?
Joanne: Yes
Darla: We need to find out what really happened to her daughter. Where does she live?
Joanne: I believe she lives on Sonora Ct.
(Joanne leads the way there. When they arrive Darla goes and knocks on the door and a thin frail looking woman appears on the other side. Darla introduces herself and the women responds by saying her name is Susan.)
Darla: I have few questions I’d like to ask.
Susan: Go ahead.
Darla: I understand this is very personal, but if it’s okay with you may I ask how your daughter Dawn passed away?
Susan: (stays quiet)
Darla: (notices that something is not right) Ma’am did your daughter actually take her own life?
Susan: (crying) Please come inside.
(Meanwhile……….Joanne is struggling with Lucy/Dawn but then Lucy/Dawn kicks her and runs out of the car and heads to Susan’s house, she bursts in through the door and runs straight to Susan but Joanne takes a hold of her.)
Susan: What’s going on?
Darla: Listen Susan I know this might be hard to believe but your daughter’s spirit is inside my daughter’s body. I need your help to free my daughter.
Susan: No, I do believe you. I saw her spirit when I still lived at the house where she died, but I was too scared to try and talk to her. I knew something had gone wrong.
Darla: Did anyone else happen to live with you?
Susan: One week before she died I rented a room in the house to a man. When I told Dawn about it she started acting strange and she told me that she didn’t want him there, but I needed some help with the house payment because I didn’t get enough money to pay the rent that month. I told her it would only be for a little bit. Then one day when I got home her room door was locked and she wouldn’t open it. I struggled to get the door open and when I finally did her lifeless body was dangling from a rope on the ceiling.
Dawn in Lucy’s Body: You see mother when I told you didn’t want him there it was because I felt something very strange was up. I had seen that man follow me home several times. So when you told me he was living with us I felt so much fear. That day I died he tried going in my room, and I told him to stop, and I tried to fight back but I was too weak to keep him out, I started screaming and crying and telling him to “GET OUT OF MY ROOM”!!! But he didn’t listen. I kicked him in the face and told him to “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE”!!! And he got really mad and started to strangle me until I lost consciousness. He thought I was dead and to cover up his murder he made everything look as if I had taken my own life. MOTHER I TOLD YOU I DIDN’T WANT HIM THERE!!!!! IT WAS YOUR FAULT! WHY DID YOU LET HIM IN?!!
(Lucy’s body falls to the floor)
(Susan is speechless then begins to sob, Joanne tries to comfort her, while Darla runs to her daughter.)
Darla: Lucy are you okay?
Lucy: Where are we? (Answering as if she had just woken from a deep sleep)
Darla: It’s a long story Hun; we need to head home now.
Joanne :( talking to Susan) I believe this was the reason she wasn’t able to rest in peace. She needed to make sure you knew the truth of what had happened to her, Susan you are more than welcome to stay with us while all of this sets in.
Susan :( nodding) Thank-you.
(They all leave Susan’s house and head back to Darla’s place (Susan’s old home). Once they get inside they hear a strange noise coming from Lucy’s room.)
Darla: What was that?
Joanne: (referring to Susan) Seems like telling you wasn’t everything she needed to do.
Darla: Joanne stay here with Lucy. Susan and I are going to see what’s happening.
(When Darla and Susan get to the room the stand outside trying to prepare for what they might encounter. When they finally open the door they ….)
Susan and Darla: AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!(Screaming in terror)
(They were staring at the man who had killed Dawn his body was hanging from a rope tied to the ceiling, and Dawn was standing there repeating “I told you to get out of my room”.)
Dawn had used Lucy’s body as a way out of that room so she could let her mother know the truth. However her priority was to get revenge. Now how was anyone supposed to believe this?

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