Hidden | Teen Ink


May 22, 2014
By hmmcclain BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
hmmcclain BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I ride my bike home from school I feel his eyes burn into my back, but I continue to pedal. Greasy brown hair. Large rimmed glasses. In any case I stay at school later and have to ride home in the evening I pedal faster. Once I pass the yellow house on Redwood I feel that same feeling you get when you run from the other room up some stairs, feeling something is behind you. I continue to stare forward at my house and when I get all the up the driveway my heart beats its hardest. Once inside, I run my shower and ponder it all.

Downstairs on the kitchen table a newspaper lay. The front page stares at me until I put my bowl of soup on it and seat myself.
“Make sure you finish your paper tonight Alice” my dad said.
I brought the bowl up to my face and slurped the soup loudly.
“Alice, listen to your father” my mom said.
I got up to put my bowl in the sink and gazed out the window for a moment.

The next morning comes and I get up and dressed for school. I continue to the garage and find my back tire is flat. I was thinking, how could this of happened on such a nice day? I was running late so my mom drove me instead of walking.
It was another boring day at school and I was eager to get home. I stepped off the school pavement and onto the trail I rode home on every day. It was windy and the tall prairie grass tickled my legs. I noticed movement in the tall grass, not from the wind but from something else. Maybe a deer, so I stood still and watched. I waited another second but nothing happened so I started walking again. Almost to the street I heard something behind me. I turned and so suddenly felt a tight grip around my wrist. It was a man with a towel in his hand reaching for my mouth. I screamed and started throwing my arms everywhere. Somehow I swatted the soaked towel out of his hand and it hit the ground. I started to run as fast as I could then all of the sudden a sharp pain shot through my ankle and I immediately fell. The man’s hands were around both of my ankles and he started to climb my body up to my shoulders. Out of breath I continued to wrestle for my life. I felt the wet towel meet my mouth and a firm hand on the back of my head. I held my breath for as long as I could but my chest was about to burst. I closed my eyes as tight as I could and breathed in. I felt my body start to relax, and waves of black and gray filled my head, continuing to get darker.
I woke up and felt my arms tied behind my back, tape around my mouth, and a blindfold on my face. I started to panic, feeling confined and suffocated. I was shaking from fear and adrenaline and started kicking. I knew I was in the trunk of a car. It opened, and someone grabbed my arms and lugged me out. I tasted blood and my ankle burned. I was taken into this cellar or basement and propped up in a chair. My blindfold was removed and my vision was blurry and dazed. There was a camera set up and a white sheet behind me.
“Smile” he said.
I didn’t. I didn’t do anything. There was a bright flash. The man walked over to me, admiring me through his large rimmed glasses. He started to run his hand along my shoulder but there was banging at the door. I heard someone yell that the place was surrounded and to come out with your hands up. The man looked deep into my eyes with an unsatisfied and angered look. The door flew open and the man was brought to the ground, while I was quickly taken away and put into a cop car. My face was dripping with perspiration and tears as I answered questions to the police woman. All I could do was cry and shake. It all happened so fast.

I didn’t go to school the next day, but saw the yellow house was roped off with caution tape and police were there figuring out more. Even through my suspicions, I never thought that would happen to me, especially on such a nice day.

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