The Door | Teen Ink

The Door

June 10, 2014
By HoshBrown BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
HoshBrown BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”

― Anaïs Nin

I stand in front of the door, flakes of old rusted, copper slowly falling onto my shoes. My stomach is jumping from the weird urge in side that is telling me to twist the handle and open the door. The only thing I can see is the door there is nothing else, I am surrounded in nothingness besides the door.

Finally I slowly lift my hand, shaking from excitement, I rap my hands around the handle and turn it with my fingers. A cold rush of air rushes through my hair and suddenly I feel every emotion I think is possible to feel at once. I walk through and find myself gasping for air, flailing my arms trying to reach surface. Once I hit the ground pain rushes through my arms and legs then rushes to my head petrifying me. I lay on the ground searching for a way to move, but nothing is working. "I have to get up" I tell myself though I new there was no chance in being capable of the thought.

I hear the faint sounds of foot steps "help!" I shout, but no response is coming my way, only the foot steps. A small shadow comes forward & a man with an axe walks to my feet, he raises the axe above his head and slams it back down on to my ankles. I screech, embracing pain and burning tears fill my eyes leaping out of the sockets. I scream louder "HELP!" Even though I know that nobody is ever going to help me. He walks over to my arms I start screaming, spit gargles in my throat, my stumped legs are shaking from pain and fear. Once again he raises the axe over his head and strikes my right shoulder then walks to the left of me and strikes my left shoulder. I am frozen in pain and fear. My mind tells me I am grabbing my hair and screaming, but my eyes tell me I am only screaming because I have no arms. I strangle for the air in front of my mouth and gulp it in repeatedly but not normally, skipping a breath and cutting them short.

My ears start to tingle from a ringing that is vibrating in my head and suddenly I hear nothing. Finally I am able to move and when I sit up I am helped by my arms and feet that I thought had disappeared. When I get to standing on the ground being helped by my feet I am scared to see if any thing else awaits me or if I am finally left to silence. I take deep breaths trying not to imagine what just happened, trying to get a grip on things, trying to escape the horror running through my blood. After a while of practicing to breathe I sit down on the floor and bring my knees to my face and dig it into them. Suddenly the silence is overwhelming me, scaring me, taunting me as if something was about to happen that I'm not supposed to know about. I feel the silence reaching into my throat and pulling out a blood curdling scream. This silence is not peaceful, it is not comforting, it is not beautiful, it is violent.

I am not going to finish this unfortunately.

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