Snap Crackle Pop | Teen Ink

Snap Crackle Pop

June 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Snap Crackle Pop!

The cereal box opened and the pebbles began to pour out, “Flip, flip, flop.” They began to cheer one by one.
“Ouch, that hurt!” cried the pebbles on the bottom.
“Gush,” : sounded the cold liquid, as it was poured into the bowl full of pebbles.
Instantly the pebbles began to take turns. “Snap.”
“Pop!” The pebbles knew what was coming next, the game of tag.
Dipped into the bowl, the round and silver object picked them up, piece by piece.
“Ahhhh not me, not me this time,” Screamed the pebbles as they began to swim away in terror.
“Go to the side, go to the side and hold on.” The pebbles began to grab on to the edges of the bowl.
“Noo, they got me.”
The pebbles began to decrease little by little.
The last pebble yelled, “Ohhh Snap!”
“Why are you so scared?” the monster asked.
“Have you ever been suck in a dark place and could not get out?”
“I am afraid I have not, my friend.”
“Well, I was perfectly fine until you picked me up.”
Holding on to the bumps of this slimy surface, “Noooo, I do not like heights.”

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