The little house on the left | Teen Ink

The little house on the left

May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

Crying, scratching, and faint screams is all Mr. and Mrs. Smith could hear. It was only about two weeks after the Smith family bought the new home in the beautiful suburbs of New Orleans.

“It is the perfect home for the family. Don't ya think honey?” exclaimed Wayne.

“Of course I do. It’s absolutely beautiful, and ,of course, it has enough room for everyone Cand a pool. Couldn't ask for much better than this”, said Mrs. Smith, obviously thrilled with excitement. Both of them were wishing they could still say this. Now the house was exactly the opposite of what they thought. Strange things, noises, and even cries were happening in the house.

“We have got to get out of here,” Mrs. Smith said

“Honey, I think everything will be okay. It’s just probably a spirit; it’s no big deal,” Mr.Smith said confidently.

Mrs. Smith continued with these feelings for about two weeks. The Cries, scratching, and screaming was all she could think about. She would be at work and hear them, be at home and hear them, and even be with her mom and still hear them. Something terrible is going to happen, is all Mrs. Smith could think about. She wondered how she was going to keep her family safe in a situation like this, feeling very hopeless.

Mr. Smith, on the other hand, was completely the opposite. He felt as if it was his house and nothing could stop him. He was the man of the house so of course he had to protect the family. That's exactly what he would do. Smith was not afraid of anything. He was going to do whatever it took to keep his family safe. Little did he know, nothing he was going to do could keep them safe from what was in that house.

It was the typical Tuesday afternoon. The Smith family was sitting in their house, each and everyone of them doing their own thing. Mrs.Smith was doing laundry, Mr.Smith watching television, Kacey playing on her computer, and Joshua in his room playing with Legos. Everything seemed to be going fine downstairs, but upstairs was a different story. Kacey was sitting in her room alone. The door crept open a little.Goosebumps began to creep up her legs from the draft through the door.

“Joshua, stop messing with me,” she yelled.
No answer. She did not think anything of it and kept listening to her music and playing on her computer. Bang. The door flew open. Kacey sat there in utter despair, Not knowing what to do. She tried to scream. Nothing came out. Chills began to rise. Arm hair began to creep up and her lips began to shudder. She laid there, not moving a limb,scared to get up, and wondering what would happen. Her chills began to go away and she acted as if nothing had happened. A few hours later the Smith family all sat around the dinner table.

“How was your guys’ day?” questioned mom.

“It was fine,” said dad.

“Mom, I had the best day. We played outside and played with Legos. I had a ton of fun,” Joshua happily said.

“Fine,” mumbled Kacey.
Kacey was afraid to say anything. What if she said something? Would things begin to get worse, she wondered. So, she sat there, keeping to herself as the family continued to talk about their day. That night she went to bed, completely scared. She sat there listening to music, staring at the ceiling, and wondering what really happened. On a typical night Kacey would fall asleep right away. However, tonight that was completely different. Kacey couldn't help but to lay away and constantly move her eyes around the room. She was scared, but now she was more curious than ever. What was that? What had happened? Will there ever be an answers? she thought.

Kacey had no idea that her parents knew about all these weird things happening. They all kept that secret away from each other. Mom and dad tried keeping it away from the kids, just so they weren't afraid. Little did they know things were happening to Kacey. A few days go by and Kacey was still having these encounters. She had no idea what to do. So she went to her parents that night and told them about everything that had happened. They were utterly shocked, not at the fact that it was happening, but that it was happening to her now. They began to see things, things out of the ordinary. No longer would they just experience this presence of the unknown, they were coming into contact with it. Night times began to get scarier; Kacey would see shadows walking across the halls, hear ghostly cries and even a baby’s scream. She had had enough of this and had to do something.

The family began to look up the house and land history. They soon pulled up something very unusual. The land the house was on what used to be an old slave quarters. Thousands of people were killed on this land where their house now sat. The family had no idea where to begin. Little did they know that Joshua was soon becoming a target.
Kids are the most susceptible to the presences of the unknown. Little did he know these ghost were demons. They began trying to kill him in his dreams, get into his inner soul, and mostly kill his family. The demon finally got what he wanted: into little Joshua’s soul. Next thing the family knew, he was coming after them, turning into something they never want to see again. He began chasing the family around the house, trying to kill everyone. Although, it was not truly Joshua.
Hours went by; the family had to hide from Joshua. The signals on the phone dropped, and nobody was able to call emergency. Everything was falling apart. Doors were being knocked open, shelves flying everywhere, and the demon completely destroyed the house.
Finally, things began to quiet down, and mom fell asleep. However, the next thing she knew, she woke up to her son just a few inches away with a knife in his hand saying, “This will be the last time I see you. Have fun rotting in hell.”

The author's comments:
A family moves into a new house hoping to start their family off right, turns out the complete opposite.

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