Markus | Teen Ink


June 4, 2014
By olivia ward BRONZE, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Wisconsin
olivia ward BRONZE, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the date came to an end, Chase kissed Stella on the cheek. She walked into her house to find Markus murdering her parents.

3 Days earlier

“Chelsey!” yells Stella. “O my god Chase just asked me out!”

Chelsey is on the other end of the phone. Both girls are screaming at a high pitch. Chelsey says, “OMG, girl whens the date?”

“In three days.”

“O my god. On Friday the 13th.Did you see the news?”

“No, why?”

“Markus was on the news, he killed 3 people and he ran off the police can’t find him.”

“I need to see you meet me at Starbucks pronto.”

At Starbucks....

Stella walks in. Chelsey is sitting at the table in the right corner by the window. Chelsey starts to talk.
“Here’s your non-fat grande mocha drip.”
“Thanks. Wait was Markus really on the news?”
“I’m really scared.”
Chase walks into the coffee shop and over hears the girls talking about Markus. Chase starts to speak.
“So Stella who is Markus?” Asks Chase.
“Oh hey! I didn’t see you there.”
“So, do tell who is Markus?”
“My ex.”
“Ex-Boyfriend. Thats harsh did you break up with him?”
“Yea, he was such a jerk.”
“So why were you guys talking about him then?”
“He was on the news. He killed three people.”
“O my god!” Chase sits down.”Do you think he is out to get you?”
“Maybe, I don’t know. But I gotta go see you Friday. Chelsey just text me, k?”
“Sure see you later.” replies Chelsey.
Stella goes home and does her homework.

Friday the 13th

Stella gets ready to leave, Chase’s car pulls up.She walks down the stairs.
Chase smiles and says.“You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
“Well, thank you. I am so psyched for tonight.”
Stella is wearing a beautiful, light blue dress that goes to her down knees and strappy high heel shoes. The couple goes to dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town.
“Wow, Chase. You really wanted to make this special.”
“Well, my date only gets the best.”
They kiss.
As the date comes to an end the Chase kissed Stella on the cheek. She walked into her house to find Markus murdering her parents. Markus comes over to Stella and says.
“Is that your date?”
He points to Chase.
“Yes, you need to let it go. I broke up with you because I saw you make out with Bethany.”
“I did, but I still love you.”
“Clearly not enough here you made out with Bethany.”
“It is time to go, Stella.”
“Please don’t kill me.”
“Too late now.”

Newscast on Saturday the 14th.

“Markus Laden killed George and Kayla, the parents of a 15-year-old girl. Daughter Stella who was also killed by Markus, as was Chase Dunkan. This is Stephany on WMJ News. And now back to Marlo.”


The author's comments:
love story

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