The Note | Teen Ink

The Note

June 5, 2014
By Nikki_Marie17 BRONZE, Nedrow, New York
Nikki_Marie17 BRONZE, Nedrow, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You dont turn your back on family, even when they do.

I walked into the library and a saw a book sticking slightly out of the shelf, so I grabbed the book and opened it. As I opened the book a note fell out I bent down and picked it up it said “I have been doing things I should not... I wish I could talk to someone about it all. I thought that if I left this note in this library book, the person that finds it would write back and leave the note in this book on the shelf. I will check the book each day to see if anyone has responded..."
I was a bit skeptical at first but then I thought about if that was me and I needed someone to talk to, so I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began to write. I wrote “Hi I found your note if you need someone to talk to I will write you back, I will come to the library and check everyday around 6 o’clock pm…” The next day I came back to the library around 6 just like I wrote I walked over to the book shelf and grabbed the book, there was another note.
It read “My name is Erin, and I’ve been doing very bad things...I’m not sure if I should talk about it...What if someone finds out...What if you’re a bad person..What if?”
This kind of made me mad you’re writing to someone, anyone, a complete stranger and you're worried about me being a bad person I thought to myself.
After taking a minute to cool down I began to write “I can assure you I'm not a bad person. My name is Regina, I'm willing to listen or well read about your problems..." I placed the letter back in the book and put the book onto the shelf.
The next day I went back to the library a little earlier then I usually do when I walked over to the book shelf I saw a boy with the book and he was reading my letter. He was maybe about 5'7 with short black hair, he had emerald green eyes and he had tan skin. He began to write a new letter. When he left I went over to the book and his letter read: “I can see you staring at me, you have strawberry blonde hair and you’re probably about 5'2. It’s not polite to stare at people... "I wrote “My apologies I didn't realize I was staring...but what are these terrible things you've been doing?"
“I’ve been seeing things...Bad things...evil things...they’re following me, everywhere I go. They’re always there...They torment me, they chase me, I think I’m losing my mind, no one believes me...” This is what I read the next day I went to the library and opened the book and saw the letter. “Well what do they look like? Do they tell you what they want? Why doesn’t anyone believe you?” I wrote in a hurry, I don’t want to help anymore I thought to myself as I got this sick feeling in my stomach. I went home that night, I tossed and I turned I couldn’t fall asleep for the life of me. Something’s not right I thought to myself, I got up and made myself some coffee and turn on the 12 o’clock news. That’s when it hit me, that’s when I found out what my bad feeling was. “A man with black hair and green eyes is on the loose, he currently escaped from the hospital, and he was roomed on the 4th floor.” The fourth floor is where they keep all the criminally insane patients I thought to myself with horror. I heard a noise when I turned around, I saw him, the green eyes, and the black hair. I was so scared I dropped my coffee cup and it shattered. My body wasn’t found until 2 weeks after the murder, they didn’t find Erin until a month later. He still sees things, he listens to me, and I wonder who has that book now. He’ll escape again, he always does. That’s what I get for trying to help people. Oh, look he put another note in that book. "Hey Stephanie, look at this note i just found in this book!" a girl shouted to her friend.

The author's comments:
Never trust someone just from a note they wrote.

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