Fatal Mistake | Teen Ink

Fatal Mistake

June 24, 2014
By Quissa BRONZE, Orangeville, Other
Quissa BRONZE, Orangeville, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am the architect of my own destruction

I squatted down on the muddy slope behind one of the many twiggy bushes just off the path. I looked up at the dreary sky as the dark clouds started to roll in. My heart was pounding and my breathing was so heavy that he would be able to hear me from a mile away. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand, the hot air blowing out of my nose. Breathe, I thought to myself. Relax, he's not going to find you.

Once my breathing started to become controlled, I gently pulled the twigs out of my knotted blonde hair with my free hand and shoved my beanie down farther on my head. Maybe if I can blend in he won't be able to see me... As I was readjusting my footing, a loud snap echoed throughout the emptied greying forest.

My heart began beating faster, my eyes darting across the landscape searching for what, or whom, could've caused the noise. I shrunk deeper into the bush, attempting to quiet myself. That's when I heard it. The dreadful sound of death approaching. I heard the angry footsteps of his heavy black boots. His legs came into focus through the rough leaves of the bush and my eyes followed his every move. With shaking hands, I reached back and felt around in the forestial debris for something I could use to defend myself. I came across a jagged rock and gripped it tightly; the one thing that could potentially save my life. He was getting closer and closer with each rage infused step.

"I know you're in here somewhere" he screamed resentfully, "you can't hide forever!"

With that, I slipped backwards on the steep incline the bush resided on and quickly caught myself. It was too late though. He had heard me and was already making his was towards me with a merciless smirk on his pale, bone-chilling face. I dropped the rock and pushed myself out of the muddy grass. I darted to the right, down the hill and into a group of large trees. I kept sprinting, harder and longer than I ever had before. All the while, he was chasing me, gaining ground on me. My lungs threatened to burst from the overuse but the adrenaline kept pushing me forward. I was getting farther away as I made a hard left around a massive rock so I was out of his sight. I stopped to catch my breath and thought hopefully to myself, I could do this, I could make it out.

How stupid I was. To even take my focus away from the nearing threat of death closing in upon me.

He jumped down from on top of the boulder, tackling me into the dirt. My mouth smacked into a mossy rock and the taste of blood was prominent. He yanked my hair, twisting my body around to face him. He stood over me with heavy breathing and intimidating eyes. He held my body pinned uncomfortably into the wet earth. I began struggling and he smacked me across the jaw with such a force that the tears began streaming down my cheeks. The tears mixed in with the dirt and blood already present on my face to form an ultimate mixture of profound misery.
"Why are you doing this?" I whimpered softly through sobs.
"You know exactly why!" He bellowed accusingly, "The only way to fix this mess is for you to die and you know it!"
The tears began to flow rapidly now, "I know," I whispered attempting to remain strong.
With that, he held the knife to my throat. He pressed the fierce yet cool metal into my neck and I could feel it slowly starting to slice my skin.
"I love you," I blurted out among my loud sobbing.

I looked up at him through the blurriness of tears and watched him. He unexpectedly froze as the warmth of the blood gradually dripped down my neck. For a split second, his merciless facade had been cut away and I was able to see the man I once loved so dearly. That man was gone as soon as he appeared, replaced with this frightening and deadly one. He slightly nodded and looked away from me. I watched a single tear roll down his face as the knife took control of him, finishing the wicked job of taking my life.
That was my fatal mistake, loving him, I mean. For it was already too late and I had given myself a false sense of hope. I had fallen into death's trap and it beckoned me towards it with devilishly playful eyes and like the stupid girl I was, I followed. They say death is excruciatingly painful and yet, it was the most peaceful thing I had ever experienced. It still is. However, the hatred and vengeance due to unresolved difficulties will forever be the sole reason that keeps me from true peace. It is the haunting that will forever be within my soul.

The author's comments:
I just felt like writing and this happened haha.. Enjoy?

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