Lottie | Teen Ink


June 24, 2014
By Pippa_Summers BRONZE, Loganville, Georgia
Pippa_Summers BRONZE, Loganville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sterile air groped at Lottie’s throat, nearly suffocating her. The officers bounced ideas off each other outside her room. They don’t know what to do with me, Lottie thought, smirking. A sudden boom over the microphone. “Ms. Charlotte O’Conner,” the voice was an earth quake, “you can confess all you know, or I can drag your body out of a ditch once your little buddies decide not to protect you anymore. The choice is yours.” Lottie’s mind digested the voice, Male. Mid-fourty’s. Recently divorced based on the inflection placed on “Ms.” Has a bad smoking habit, he nearly ran out of breath after saying “little buddies” and that can’t be from being out of shape, everyone in this precinct undergoes a vigorous exercise regimen. Only two officers she passed are in their mid-fourty’s. The voice on the microphone was either the man who ordered her arrest, or the man who glanced up from his desk as she walked by. Why would he be on the microphone though? He obviously holds little to no authority in this jurisdiction based on the lack of eye contact the others placed on him as they walked by. All this took no more than 30 seconds to cross her mind. Lottie has a way with deductions like no other, which is why the British Secret Service sought her out, not two months prior.
“Ms. O’Conner,” a hollow voice beckoned, “I am Lieutenant Chain, I need to ask you some questions.” He perched on his interrogation chair, her file in his left hand. Left handed, she thought. This is not the slug that dragged me in here. Male. Mid 20’s. Obviously a virgin. Virgins always held themselves like that around her. She smirked, now things are getting fun. Charlotte, or Lottie as most called her, is known for her seductive, emerald eyes and tall, skinny stature that could make any man beg for mercy. Especially this pup sitting across from her, ready to jump when she says “jump.”
“You’re all the same” Lottie mumbled, smirking.
“What was that?” Lieutenant Chain spat out, “Umm, what did you say,” he cleared his throat, “Ms. O’Conner?” I have him, she thought. Time for one of the classics, Lottie brushed the documents off the table and sat on the edge of it, breasts eye level with the little Lieutenant.
“You said you have questions for me,” she spoke like silk, “Well, ask me anything you like, tiger.” She leaned forward, exposing her cleavage. Lieutenant Chain cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Have you been...umm…do you…”
“Yeah, tiger?”
“Do you…had killed,” she leaned in closer,
“Do I look like I would hurt anyone?” Her hair brushed his cheek as she went in for a kiss, reaching for his gun, the officer belonging to the voice on the microphone burst through the door, “Lieutenant Chain!” he boomed,
“Yes! Mr. Clayton. I was just about to...”
“Get out!” Chain scurried off, tail between his legs. Lottie laughed.
“You should have waited for the best part,” she pleaded, laughing.

“You disgust me,” Clayton spat out.

“I was going to make him beg!” she continued as Clayton clenched his teeth, “You could have watched it from that Van Gogh painting on the wall that isn’t fooling anyone” she admired the painting. ”Heat, my dear Clayton, doesn’t radiate from a painting hanging on concrete, unless there is an opening behind it that people are peeping through” she stroked her chest with one finger, “were you peeping on me?”
“You think you’re pretty clever don’t you, ‘Lottie’ “Clayton spat out the word. He picked up her case file from the floor.

“Ms. O’Conner,”
“Oh, Lottie, please. Ms. O’Conner makes me sound ancient”
“…since you’re so clever, why don’t you tell me why I’m here?” He continued, sitting in Chains’ spot.

“To get away from the haunting memory of your wife who just left you?” she smirked. Clayton slammed his fist on the table, “ENOUGH!”
Lottie sighed, “alright, you’re here because the best damn secret service agent,” gestures towards herself, “has shot and killed two other agents, and now there are vicious rumors of foul play. Have I got it all right?” she smirked,
“Yes and you have people out there protecting you, under the condition that you tell me why you killed them. I’m under strict orders and, well, I’m simply forbidden to kill you.”
“That must be hard for you, tiger,”
“Answer the question, you snake.”
“I killed them because…”
“Well, they weren’t very good in bed.” And with that she stood up and walked out.

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